I was having sex with my girlfriend and she was doing something which I told her to stop because it was going to make me cum too quick more then once and she didn’t and I did literally like in less then 10 seconds then she laughed at me and it has completely killed my sex drive

I don’t know what to do

  1. Need a helluva lot more context here – was she laughing because she was happy? Seems like she got a lot of joy out of making you cum and that laugh was genuine.

    If you feel she was making fun of you, then that’s a deal breaker for me and I’d walk away. But why would your gf—someone you love and trust and are in a (I’m going to assume on limited data here) healthy relationship with—suddenly start doing that to you?

  2. Your girlfriend is neither a respectful partner, nor a nice person. She violated your consent, and made fun of you for it. You should probably end this.

  3. I think more details are needed or else people will start jumping to improper conclusions. You know your girlfriend best so it’s your call. Honestly, to me, it sounds like she was probably giggling because making you cum makes her happy, and teasing you and making you cum quick is a turn on for her. My previous girlfriend did this same thing, where she knew I was going to cum pretty soon and she would start going faster because making me cum quickly was a huge turn on for her and she loved it when I couldn’t last long because it made her feel like she was driving me crazy. She would smile and giggle afterwards and I honestly found it rather endearing. I didn’t mind it at all because I knew if she wanted me to fuck her longer, she wouldn’t have sped up. We did some dom/sub stuff so I made sure to punish her for doing that the next time we did the deed, and she loved that as well.

    With that being said, your feelings are important so I would just have an honest conversation with her and tell her how it made you feel if you haven’t already. And since she said she wasn’t making fun of you, I would just accept that as the truth and not worry too much.

  4. I don’t think she was laughing at you more so with you, it’s quite normal to laugh during sex with partners sometimes. Doesn’t seem malicious to me I wouldn’t over think it!

  5. Was she laughing in mockery? Or delight? I love making my guy cum and the faster the better. It turns me on, and I might laugh at how cute it is that he came so fast.

    That being said, if someone is doing something you don’t like, you can always stop them. Never let people do what you don’t want them to do.

    I would talk to her about respecting your boundaries and if she ever does it again, break up.

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