What do you wish you could tell the little boy you once were?

  1. Stop jumping off things and landing on your back. You’re not a WWF wrestler. You’ll have back problems and it’ll mess up a large chunk of your life.

  2. You’ll never know what you want to be when you grow up, and it’s okay because you’ll never grow up in that traditional sense.

  3. Don’t worry about moving fast, worry about moving correctly. Time is precious, done waste it.

  4. You’re autistic. I found out yesterday at age 41. I feel like I have lived life on impossible mode and someone turned off the NES so I could restart a little easier.

  5. You’re right to feel the way you feel, and I’m sorry about the people around you. You’re a good person, and you deserve better. The people who are doing this to you aren’t worth your time, and they’ll fall away eventually. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, keep your chin up, and don’t look back. You will find your way out, and you will find happiness, and you will be okay.

  6. She is not going to change Shes not going to stop hitting you, the family aren’t coming to save you, get out now while you can.

  7. I’d give myself fitness advice, dating advice and financial advice.

    If I had to pair it down to one thing though: It’s okay to make your mom cry if that means living your own life. If no young man ever made his mom cry, proto-humans would have never left the tree line to take meat from lions and humans would have gone extinct. We’d also never have gone to the moon.

  8. I don’t wish anything, I talk to him every day now. He’s still me. The man just developed along the way, too.

  9. Buy property in the PNW before the housing crisis.

    Get into a trade.

    Don’t get addicted to Reddit.

  10. Everything is ok… Be a better person. Leave those Jackson boys alone. Enjoy all the white girls you want as friends instead of being afraid because of color. Hang out with the fellas and learn to play basketball. Get a good education and still be the good person that you are. Also when it comes to sex… dont pass up half the girls that you could have gotten.

  11. No you dumb f*ck derivatives are not useless and math is f***g important so shut up and study.

  12. I would tell myself the story about the old bull and the young bull, standing on the Highground overlooking the herd of cows…

  13. Your baby brother is going to get very sick and you’ll miss him deeply. Be kinder to him.

  14. Do not listen to your guidance counselor. He is giving you the same generic advice he gives to everyone.

    You don’t need college to be a success.

    Don’t be afraid to invest in your musical talent, you have a great voice will regret not trusting your yourself when you get old.

    Yes, you can draw, but you can’t do it all alone.

    Your friends you have now are just your school friends, when you graduate you will never see most of these people again.

    Do NOT go out with *%*×, she will leave you for your best friend and ruin you both as well as your friendship.

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