I deep cleaned my car today and found an AirTag underneath the passenger seat extremely hidden. Thankfully I spilled something and it forced me to remove the car mats. I feel so violated and I’m not sure what to even say at this time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  1. That’s a major violation. You need to decide if this is something you can get passed. You definitely should sit him down and ask him about it. See his reaction and how he’s able to justify it, even tho there’s no excuse.

  2. Do you live with him?

    This feels like a situation where you get out of reach before you have a conversation.

  3. In my book this is scary-creepy and not something I could get over.

    Have friends help you move out while he is gone and leave the airtag on the kitchen table along with your house key. Meet him in a public place if you have to, but don’t see him alone.

    Good luck, OP. Take care.

  4. Put the air tag in his car. Wait a day or two see if he goes some place unusual. Ask him why he went to this unusual place. Don’t tell him how you know he went o this unusual place

  5. The fact that you immediately assumed it was your boyfriend hints that this isn’t a healthy situation

  6. I’m not sure if that is considered illegal, but I would ask and file charges if you can. Get a restraining order as well. Kick his butt to the curb.

  7. Dump him immediately. This is an outrageous violation of your privacy. This is toxic, controlling and stalking. Talk to the police about what needs to be done. How awful for you. But I’m glad you found it and now can plan to get away from him.

  8. As hard as this will be, don’t let him give you an explanation. He will justify his actions and gaslight you.

    Break it off clean, the psychology of a man that does this is crazy. Also check your personal space and phone incase he’s found another way to violate you through technology.

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