Hey I have a question and need honest opinions. If you were dating a girl for 3 years and her brother (28M) and her brothers bestfriend (27M) they have known for 12 years is at your house but you’re not there. You get home her brother is passed out but your girlfriend is laying on her brothers bestfriend and his arm is around her. Would you consider that cheating or suspicious? This has never happened before (to my knowledge). Your girlfriend says it was innocent however she admitted that he was flirting with her. What would you do?

Edit: Thanks for the responses so far. I was in complete shock, I went to shower and came out and confronted them both. They were not sitting close to each other anymore. They both didn’t seem too defensive but I think they were in shock as well. I kicked him out and told him to call an uber. Her brother was passed out during all of this.

  1. Either something happened or she likes the attention he gives her, and becomes disrespectful

  2. They’re cuddling? Yea that’s cheating. Especially if she knew he was being flirtatious. Ask her how she would feel if you were cuddling another woman like that

  3. Oh I would never want them to be alone together again. Why is she letting him flirt with her? Really not cool

  4. Totally disrespectful to your relationship. What reason could she give to say that was ok?

  5. I would have a fit wake them all up and kick them out. It’s totally inappropriate that she’s laying on top of her brothers. Best friend I don’t care if their own best buddy she’s a grown adult woman and she has a boyfriend that lives with her. It’s time to put the partying away and be grown adults.

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