a lot of things happened between us and we both fucked things up in a way, his friends don’t like me and neither does mine, he said to keep our friendship private in order to avoid people getting involved, its hard for me to let him go and forget the trauma i’ve been through past few weeks, he disrespected in many ways and tried putting me down several times, i’m really confused

  1. So you want to get back with him to be disrespected and put down again? Plus your friends don’t like him and his don’t like you. What is there to be confused about

  2. He was ex to begin with and Ex is Ex there’s no turning back. It’s like you hit your head by a hammer if you get back together.

  3. You shouldn’t be confused. Seems clear you had a really shitty relationship if everyone who cares about you on either side hates the other partner, or at the very least both of you have self-sabotaged that, and and then he’s running you down?

    If you’re *actually* confused about what to do, find a therapist. A good one.

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