so basically i like my boy best friends
friend ( let’s call him felix )
but my boy best friend likes me
so me and his friend have been texting for a week but he told my best friend that he doesn’t like me and he wouldn’t want a relationship with me because we are in the same school
but felix told me that he likes me and today he asked if i would ever want a relationship i honestly don’t know how to answer i’m scared i’ll get hurt

  1. If your boy best friend is really your bbf then talk to him about what’s going on. Tell him you just want to be friends before you do anything with Felix. Maybe he’ll be hurt but he might be able to respect you for being honest.

    About Felix, if you like him and he likes you, that’s cool. But it sounds like he’s lying to your bbf. You should ask Felix to clear the air with your boy best friend and be honest about his feelings for you before you make any moves with him.

    In a nutshell, y’all need to talk it out. And in the end, if it seems too risky to be with Felix then don’t. Plenty of fish in the sea and you’re right to want to protect your feelings and feel safe.

  2. Firstly, don’t call him your “boy best friend”. He’s friend-zoned and he needs to understand that he doesn’t have a chance. Be blunt and tell him exactly that.

    For the Felix situation, since you’re into him, answer yes if you want a relationship with him.

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