Me and my wife split up little over 3 months ago (now officially divorced.) We we’re together for almost 8 years. She claimed she couldn’t “do it anymore” but the next day I found out she had been talking to a guy she met in college and I knew at that point I could never take her back

I got a text a 1am last night of her saying “I’m sorry, you don’t have to reply and I know it’s to late, I’ll never forgive myself.”

So I didn’t reply and now I can’t stop thinking about it and I’m on the verge of texting her, not to get back together but to let her know what she put me through and how she tore me apart after the split up and why I can’t take her back.

Should I just leave her on read or tell her how I really feel?

  1. She’s fishing. Ignore the hook. That bait is rancid.

    Perhaps the grass on the other side of the fence wasn’t so green after all…

  2. Do whats better for you man, if you think you’ll fell better if you have your disclosure and tell her all the bad things she made you went through, then text her back and tell everything to her, you dont even need to wait her to answear it, if you think this will wake up bad fellings inside you and its better for your mental if you just ignore, then ignore it and block her, do what you think its better for you.

  3. It’s just chum in the water. She wants to know if she can still play with your heartstrings. Leave on read. Block her completely and focus on your own life. The fog has worn off and her Prince Charming turned into a toad. The text doesn’t mean shit other than her feeling sorry for herself. If you respond all you’ll do is lift her spirits at your expense. You’ve already been there and done that don’t do it again.

  4. The only thing worse then being left on read is being sent. “Ok” after she tried that stunt that will let her know you read, digested and don’t give af about her anymore

  5. Error NO69 The person that you are trying to reach has moved on with their life and has no wish to ever be contacted by you ever again. They will never give you another chance to hurt them the way you did. Delete this number from your device. Further contact attempts will result in fines and public ridicule.

    Use for your own laughter or send it, your call. Good luck

  6. I would tell her, “You wanted to chase random dick and now you can. Quit texting me, I don’t give a fuck that you regret your choices. I am happier without your bullshit.”
    But I’m petty.

  7. Personally if i wanted her to know exactly what she put me through I would let her know and tell her why I won’t ever take her back. Wish her peace and happiness and no need to reply since this is the last time she’ll hear from me..then block her.

  8. 1. It could be that her relationship with that guy didn’t work out as planned and she wants to crawl back to you.

    2. Maybe the other guy cheated on her and now she understands the pain of going behind their partners back

    3. She could be really remorseful and just wanted to apologise.

    4. Maybe it was a drunk text that she sent

    5. It could be a text for someone else that she mistakenly sent to you and didn’t realise.

    In either of the cases, you’re not obliged to reply. If you have kids, just accept the Apology and focus on c- parenting. If you do not have kids then just block her and move on.

  9. Dont forget that she put another man above her husband. 8 years. It didn’t mean anything to her because something new and shiny. When you were torn to pieces she was smoking this dudes pole. Don’t forget

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