And before you say pelvic floor exercises, I do plenty Kegels, I can flex and push really well to pleasure my partner and myself – but sometimes, usually when I’m really into it and everything is engorged down there, I kind of push/tighten as I’m about to come and then a fart comes out in a very noticeable little trumpet sound (huehuehhe) It’s happened with my FWB a couple times now and he’s perfectly mature and fine with it but it distracts ME and messes with MY ability to fully enjoy my orgasm (also it happened once when he was going down on me JUST as I was cumming. We laughed it off but I was mortified and I’m certain he’s not into getting his chin farted on lmao) . It’s like my butt/colon muscles flex and clamp when my vaginal muscles do too? And too hard? Or when they should be separate? I want to be able to cum when someone’s got their face in my crotch without worrying about maybe farts! Ugh,
Insights appreciated

  1. When you find out let me know lol it’s only a little for me but yep when I really give into an orgasim it can happen, all my muscles really clench down and a fart can happen before I know it. He and I just ignore it and we don’t really do oral on me, I’m not that comfortable with guys doing it and I can’t give over to the feeling in my body when I’m concerned about the inny hole being so close to the outty hole lol

  2. I had a girlfriend who would also always let out a tiny fart when she’d have an orgasm, I found it endearing actually but most of the time I wouldn’t even notice it if she didn’t tell me because I’m more focused on *you know* lmao.

  3. Well, you’re actively bearing down and pushing, so that can increase the chances of farting or squirting even. Really no easy answers here and it can be hard to change how your body responds, but you could try to focus yourself on contracting and pulling upward and inward more. Try to start doing that and keep it up as you get close to orgasm. If you’re accustomed to pushing outward, it might take some solo practice.

  4. Honestly, it has happened or will happen to all of us.
    You can try douching and releasing everything before sex. Or you can change your diet or maybe even take gas x.
    However, gas is natural and shows signs of a healthy body.

  5. 1) Great name btw

    2) Is it possible to fart before hand and get it all out? Maybe you’re lactose intolerant and it’s making you more gassy than normal?

    3) You might not be able to stop the farting, but you could consider controlling your diet in such a way that it doesn’t smell as bad, if that’s a concern.

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