It seems like each of my friends have more to say than I do and I feel really awkward about it. I’m really bad at one on one conversations because of this and try to avoid them best I can. I just prefer to hang out in the group.
They seem to have more established connections with each other than I do with each of them, but I don’t know why? It feels like I’m missing something that everybody else has learned. Anyone know what I mean and why this is?

  1. Subtly Pull one of your friends slightly out the group and ask them
    What do you call a bear with no teeth?
    When they do a confused face, answer:
    A gummy bear.

    Return to the group chat

  2. focus on yourself. fuck friends. friends gonna leave you in your dark phases, when you fuck up they will be the first one to run. invest all your time in your family. work on yourself. be the fittest motherfucker there is, get educated, reach the highest of the hierarchy. not to assert dominance, but to know your true potential.

  3. i feel like this too, personally i feel like everyone has crazy lives or stories outside the friend group and i just don’t. i’m also a bit reserved and don’t trust/and or feel comfortable sharing certain things. i noticed this was my issue on connecting with people. i accepted i’m a listener and i’m fine with it.

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