We got married in 2019, we both worked daylight hours. We did all kinds of things together & shared hobbies. She left her job due to a toxic work environment right before covid & didn’t really like her new job. She decided to go to school to be an RN, which mean working nights. We then found out we were expecting our first child after a year of trying. She dropped out after her first of four nursing semesters because she had just given birth, but continued working the night shift job. She now loves her night shift job that was supposed to just be an ends to a means. Two years of working opposite shifts, & being essentially a single dad each night for a year has really worn on my mental health. We’ve fought about this at nauseum for the last year or more. She ended up getting a couple “mid shifts” where she isn’t daylight, but we do get a few hours at night those couple of days & she still works nights two days. She was just offered a promotion, but it would be five nights again. We’re going in the wrong direction, going on three years. This is apparently her passion now (that she didn’t know existed until after we were married) & she claims I’m not supportive & controlling & selfish for not being on board with this, but I absolute hate our schedules. I’ve hated it for two years & I continue to resent her for choosing work over family. She refuses to budge & today we discussed divorce. She seemed absolutely shocked that I would move an hour away (where I’m originally from) & expected me to just continue to bend over backwards to accommodate her schedule while also making sure she got to see our son all the time. I feel like my feelings havent been considered in years. It doesnt help that weve grown very distant over the last few years. I want an intimate relationship with quality time & she says she is content that we just watch TV together when were home. What would you do in my situation??

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