Me and my gf have done most sexual things other than sex and the first thing I started doing to her was fingering. During the beginning of the relationship we both have had no sexual relations with other people so this was our first times doing anything. When I started fingering her she would love it and tell me how good I was at it. Fast forward a few months later we would do both rubbing her clit and fingering. But In the last two months she has been saying how she likes rubbing her clit more and fast forward a moth later she tells me that fingering her feels kinda weird now and sometimes hurts. Now today the last time I fingered her i ate her out then fingered her a little bit later and she said it just kinda hurt and didn’t feel that good and now her vagina hurts still and it’s been like 4 hours. She has said before that it has been hurting more recently but she would tell me it’s no big deal when I start going. Also it’s not like I do it often I mostly run her clit the most. But when it hurts it’s when I ask her if she wants me to and not when she tells me too, I didn’t know if this detail mattered. Please I need help cause she doesn’t know herself why it’s happening

  1. Make sure that your fingernails are clipped short and that they’re smooth (rub them against your lip to check for rough edges)

    Don’t move your fingers aggressively in and out when you finger, instead try to use a finger-curl motion to rub against the top wall (towards her stomach) to find a spot that feels good

    Make sure that she’s completely wet before you try to finger her. Your fingers should slip in smoothly. Use lube if you need to.

    If she’s feeling sharp pain that radiates into her stomach, you might be hitting her cervix by accident. Try adjusting the depth or angle.

    In general, penetration doesn’t feel as good to women as clit stimulation does. So it’s not strange if she just prefers you stimulating her clit over you fingering her.

  2. You could just be being too rough overall. And it could be a combination of that and her being too dry. It’s pretty easy to get sore from being too rough or even going for too long. Also, she probably likes her clit being played with better because that’s usually how most women cum. From clitoral stimulation.

  3. Make sure she’s wet, be very gentle, and her preference may just be in that area. I prefer that sensation more as well. Some positions are easier on different people depending on the tilt of their anatomy so if you guys are trying while she’s on her back, try in doggy – feels much better and puts less pressure in an uncomfortable way. Oh also, one finger if it’s hurting her, make sure they are clipped and be gentle. Violent thrusting is general a no unless she is already very much going and maybe going to cum. Circles are nice sometimes and the g spot is in and up toward the belly button. A little bend in your last knuckle. Good luck!!💖

  4. Something to remember is that men’s hands are generally considerably bigger and stronger than women’s so it can be hurt easily even with the best of intentions. Presumably as you guys have got more experienced together she’s learned better what she likes and is more discerning.. like teenage boys are often perfectly happy to receive an awkward handjob, grown men not so much ! I’ve had the best luck with physically moving the guys hand for him at first. Honestly tho I’ve never been a big fan of penetration with fingers, so it’s not necessarily something you’re doing wrong. She might just have realised it’s not her thing.

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