(I had a few drinks so I feel like I’m super intelligent)

The neurons in your brain do not fire the way your spouses does. They do not see the world the way you do. Ever wonder why you may like Cilantro but your spouse hates it? They didnt choose to hate it, so leave them alone. It is what it is.

  1. First of all, my spouse and I both love cilantro, thank you very much 🙂

    Seriously, though, I think you’re on the money. We’re all different and need to respect, even treasure, our differences.

  2. Yea man I know how you feel, but have you like ever thought of neurons firing and what if one of them misses like what happens then? Are there innocent neruons that get hit and can’t fire back and then what happens to that neruon that fired first does he think twice before firing next time or does he just quit because he can’t live with himself.

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