I feel like having driving anxiety has made me more socially awkward

  1. I’ve had my license for over 5 years and I’m still nervous when going to new places. I’m not sure what can be done about it, as I’m fighting the same battle, but you’re not alone!

  2. Yep. I don’t even know why, I’ve driven over the Rocky Mountains during a blizzard on bad tires THREE TIMES. I know how to drive. But, it just makes me pretty nervous.

    I had a friend once that had this rule, he never let snow make him stay home. I adopted it because it is a good rule, keeps you brave and in control of your own life. And I expanded it to “Never let my fear of driving make me stay home.”

    The word “never” is a powerful thing. If you have a policy of “try not to let my fear of driving make me stay home,” that means every time you might go out you have to have that internal debate. It’s draining and you will often lose. But if the rule is “never,” well it won’t cure the problem but at least it prevents further problems from developing.

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