I’m 32f and my bf always grabs my belly during sex. I have a decent amount of mommy belly going which I’m very self conscious about and he always latches into it, even in positions that may be a little awkward. Is this common? I haven’t had a partner do this before? Why would he?

  1. I’ve experienced it before as well. I think it’s all about leverage and I’m pretty sure the lizard brain that happens during sex isn’t really cognizant of it as something that might make us insecure or uncomfortable.

  2. He might just like it. Not in a fetish type of way but he may just like holding and squeezing it. You can also always just ask him if you’re curious.

  3. Honestly , my fiancé has a habit of grabbing around my stomach or my rolls at my hips and he says it gives him more control so that could be it , or he could just genuinely love your stomach! I know I’m more of a tummy/thigh person usually when it comes to women 🤷🏻

  4. I get you might be self-conscious, and if you hate it Id him to stop sooner rather than later. I’d say it’s pretty common, though. I dont go out of my way to grab my gfs stomach, but if it’s there and we’re both in the mood, my hands are going everywhere, lol

    If you dont mind it but just think it’s weird. I guess let the man enjoy what he likes?
    He clearly cares about you and finds you attractive! I know it takes time, but try and sneak out of your shell a little bit, own it! He thinks you’re sexy just the way you are!
    As any good man should.

  5. I, for one, appreciate that bit of chub. Cushions the forehead whilst wandering ‘downtown’.

  6. If he’s like me, he likes the belly and various curves. When I do it I’m trying to show affection and that I like the entire body, social stigma be damned.

  7. A powerful technique is to have him press down on the area just above your pubic bone. In missionary position this will lower your g-spot deeper down into the vaginal canal. It’s a very, very powerful technique when done correctly. Every time he penetrates he’ll be basically striking your g-spot.

  8. It used to bug my gf how much I would hold her belly, especially when spooning. But what she doesn’t understand is I really like her belly. I wouldn’t say I fetishize it, but I appreciate its shape (and presence) as much as I do her boobs or butt.

  9. Idk why I love this woman’s stomachs, I just like to grab them or place my hand on them, somewhat weird but that is what I like lol

  10. It is a part of your body, and very soft with soft skin. I grab my wife’s belly too, because it feels nice. It is also a good sized part of her body right in the middle, so easy to grab.

    I am also a female, so I understand insecurity, but he likes you and your belly, so he isn’t looking at it like you are.

    If it really bothers you, tell him, but it is a good opportunity to work on feeling more confident in your body. I know my wife is not crazy about her belly, but she knows I am. I appreciate that she is open and confident when she is with me.

  11. I’d take it as a sign he likes at and try to move pat your self consciousness of it. Easier said than done though.

  12. My husband loves my stomach, touching, kissing, rubbing. I lost a bunch of weight and am more confident abt my body now, for me the sensual touch is arousing.

  13. Not a guy, but my partner has a bit of a tummy and he is self-conscious about it, so I go out of my way to touch it and show it love because I want him to love himself more and to know how sexy I find him, all of him. I would guess your BF is doing something similar

  14. My girlfriend has a little belly and I grab hers all the time during sex. I had to convince her I’m not doing it to be a dick and I actually love it. I imagine your boyfriends the same way

  15. You have a boyfriend that enjoys and truly loves your body. Feel fortunate, because many of us would love that degree of intimacy that just sounds as the most sincere, kind and passionate feeling that a human is capable of, revealed, through tiny details.

  16. I’ve lived a life of insecurity about my size since I was in 5th grade. (My mom is a 5’1” cute lil thing and my dad is 6’3”; grew up without dad so thought I was just abnormally large compared to her. I used to call myself the jolly green giant. Lol) I used to be quite a bit bigger and my ex of 15yrs would comment about my growing weight post baby boy. For years I’ve been insecure about all the jiggly parts especially the tummy. FF to now, I’ve lost the lbs but not necessarily the extra jiggle in places i.e. the baby belly; I found my forever man & he loves my jiggly belly! 🥺 I never thought I would be comfy with it but he tells me all the time how he loves every part of me. It’s something that took some time to relax into after being so self conscious for so long.

    Advice: You & your partner should be able to talk about sensitivities like this, you can ask if he likes your lil belly more now & even joke about him hanging on. It opens up a pathway to talk about what he is feeling and for you to do the same and maybe give you some relief. Just in case there is an awkwardness for this subject sometimes a little humor to open the way really helps. 🫶🏼

  17. A few years ago, when Body Positivity was first making some forays into mainstream media, there was an article from a woman to the effect of “Things I wish my partners new about having sex with a fat woman.”

    A big thing she mentioned was that partners who consciously avoided feeling her belly, rolls, etc made her feel like they weren’t into her. She figured they were trying to be polite by not bringing attention to those parts. But to her, that was her body, and partners being sheepish were telling her they didn’t like it.

    But she also stressed that was a result of her own self-conception of her body. Others who feel differently about their body will have different hopes or expectations with how people will interact with them.

    Feeling put off by someone drawing attention to part of your body you may not like is valid, and even if you like part of your body, someone seeming to fetishize it could be equally off-putting.

    I’d suggest first understanding how you really feel about what he’s doing, and introspecting about why you feel that way.
    You can then ask him if he’s aware he’s doing it and ask why, or simply tell him to stop doing it as much/entirely.
    You can use it as a launching point for a pretty good conversation (cis men do not routinely have any prompt to discuss how they feel about their own body in any meaningful way), or simply leave it at communicating a boundary that you need him to respect.

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