Especially if it’s with someone you’ve been in a serious relationship with longer than a year.

  1. That’s a person that shouldnt and wouldnt be in my life any longer. I would feel hurt, of course, I would cry and yell and all that, but the person needs to go.

    ETA: I would cry and yell with my friends not in front of the person…

  2. I’d feel like I needed to understand the context. Am I a bad parent? Did I give my kids any genetic disorders? Did I make a bad choice of a partner and my kids are suffering for it? Are my kids safe and happy? Am I happy as a parent? Is my and my kids’ health ok?

    If all the answers to these questions were satisfactory to me, I’d shrug the comment off.

  3. Bye. My kiddo isn’t a negotiation. If someone has a problem with them, congratulations you now have a problem with me. And if it’s someone I’m dating? Extra bye. Go fuck yourself with a cactus.

  4. They want to be #1 to build a relationship but you’re not in a position to give them that.

  5. I would feel hurt and move on. If someone doesn’t want kids or to be around kids, then they’re not the right partner for me. Then I’d address every future relationship a little differently.

  6. “Well, we’ve reached an unfortunate end, then. I can’t exactly get rid of my son or minimize my involvement in his life, nor would I want to. Good luck out there.”

    Edit: and then, of course, there would be heartbreak and ice cream and tears for weeks and maybe even months, but I’d stand firm in my decision. I’m Mom. My commitment to my kid has to come first.

  7. “It’s not that I don’t like small penises, it’s just that I don’t like your small penis”

  8. I would say “that seems like something you should have told me, since you knew I had kids when we started dating. If this is a recent discovery, I don’t like how you phrased that.”

    Also, I understand their point; raising kids is not for everyone and they are certainly allowed to feel that way. BUT this phrasing implies that it’s somehow your fault that you have kids because it’s a “you” statement instead of an “I” statement. They could have said “I am not ready/don’t want to raise kids, and I’ve realized that recently, and so I think we should end things.” That is placing the responsibility of the issue on their shoulders, as they are the one with the issue.

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