So I started talking to this girl, we went out on a date and it went well, she seems very nice, but I hate the term “red flags” but I have to use it just for context but started noticing somethings that just weren’t sitting right with me.

•Admitted to having a domestic violence charge on her
• Won’t tell me her actual name, I just know her by “Bri” (we matched on hinge)
• She likes knives? Carried 2 with her on her date, which she showed
•And right off the bat seemed very clingy, physical touch progressed quickly, nothing crazy but things were going fast.
•She wanted to talk tonight, and we did. I had an hour long convo, and I had to wrap things up since I had to go back to studying, and she began to cry (we’ve only been talking for about 2-3 days)

I know everyone isn’t perfect, and I can’t truly know her past, but things are just not sitting well with me, I’d like to think I have my “shit” together so this seems like a lot of baggage for me to commit to. Along with the domestic violence charge. (She told me this during the convo tonight) but she seemed nice, so I’m at a loss.

Thanks to those who reply!

  1. Hey man, my thing with this is if you think she is going to compromise who you are and the success you’ve built, I don’t think you should be with her. If you already see these red flags early on, it’s best to distance yourself from her. Please approach with caution for this bro.

  2. It sounds like you’re setting yourself up very nicely to be in the next episode of dateline…

  3. When someone tells you exactly who they are from the get go, believe them. DV against her, crying because you needed to end a call, carrying knives, (good heavens! 😵‍💫, not giving you her real name ( what else is she hiding?) etc….

    Sounds like it won’t end well for you if you continue dating her. So best to exit quickly and block her as she seems like the sort to be a scary stalker.

  4. Yes you should stop pursuing. People are “desposable and replaceable”: for every spark you get with someone, you can probably find another one in another social setting. Really, she isn’t worth the hassle. In fact, she does you a big favor by giving you this information.

  5. She’ll ride you like the last horse out of Dodge, but then she’ll slap the shit out of you, key your car, and punch herself so you go to jail.

  6. Did she state what work she has done since her domestic charge? How she has identified why she acted that way and how she has made changes to not be in that situation again?

    Also, knives?? Do you come off as dangerous?

    Too many red flags for me, I am not a therapist or a rehabilitation center.

  7. “Admitted to having a domestic violence charge on her • Won’t tell me her actual name,”

    “She likes knives? Carried 2 with her on her date…”

    I’m not sure if this is even a genuine post but it’s clearly obvious, she has some issues.

    Time for you to move on.

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

  8. How desperate are you? Well, don’t answer, because I’m reading your post. The answer is a lot.

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