If you had to rate your successfulness 0-10 based on your childhood concept of success, how would you do it?

  1. 10. I’ve achieved 99% of what I wanted at 28. Not everything is perfect, and it took work and sacrifice, but I did it. Now making new goals for future me! And the “missing” 1% is that u haven’t won the lottery, yet.

  2. 10/10 – I food in my mouth, clothes on my back and roof over my head. I have savings in the bank, don’t stress over money.

    Really have nothing to complain about.

  3. I own a house and a car, I eat whatever I want, and I play hockey all the time. Kid LEIFey would be fucking thrilled. 9/10. Took a point off because I don’t have telepathy.

  4. My kid self would love the life i lead now but I am indifferent to it.

    Got my own place, self employed = fuck tonne of free time n moneys.

    No gf or wife though.

    Hed say 7 cause the gf would mqke it a 10.

    Me id say a 4 cause the gf would make it a 10 lol.

  5. I have this one aunt who loves to recall that one time when I was like 7 and I declared that I’m going to be the president of all Europe.

    So 0/10 so far I guess.

  6. Good one. As for my child self probably a 7 out of 10. As my high school self 2 out of 10 As my 50 yo self 8 out of 10.

    In my late teens my delusions of grandeur of a collection of Ferrari’s, a personal assistant, a butler, 4 vacation homes and whatever else Robin Leach was yacking about got fairly skewed.

    Today, I value food one the table, roof over my head, Some money in retirement. A vacation that requires an airline ticket every now and again, and kids needs, and some wants, covered. I cold use a newer tractor truck could use some tires, and a Mustang in the garage to drive on sunny days would be fun. But attainable goals are also good to have.

  7. Let’s say 9. I have all the Nintendo consoles, I have many Star Wars Lego sets, I’m married with a great woman, I have two wonderful kids and I own a house with a garden. I can play with my kids with all the toys I didn’t have as a kid.

    And I cnman do dad jokes. Which is a big plus.

    The only thing i don’t have is my dream job. I’m not a paleontologist. But I did find some dinosaur fossils on a digging site with real paleontologists. So let’s say it partially counts.

  8. I mean childhood me didnt really have a concept of success.

    But I did want to be a dustman and I did it for a brief while when in college so I guess 7/10 (-1 point for not being a knight and – another for not being able to shoot fireballs and another for never getting a pet dragon)

  9. Childhood me would be bewildered by how we ended up doing we’re doing, but otherwise I feel like I measure up to the hopes and expectations. We’ll go 10/10.

  10. Phah. As I child I was hoping for two things: to not be a burden and to not live past 20.

    I am self-sufficient, but unfortunately lived to be 26. So it’s a 5/10.

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