My boyfriend sometimes complains about of the revealing clothing I wear but that’s all the type of pictures he likes on social media.. He literally follows/likes nothing but swimsuit models and likes girls dancing and posing half naked but Its a problem if I wear anything too revealing..

I’m 25 bf 27

  1. Complaints how? And how often? No your fault to dress as you want and feel good and sexy at all, is no one else’s business

  2. Welcome to the double standard – either you can accept it or next man up. I am not going to waste your time explaining why a large proportion of men think this way or weather it is insecure, controlling, small dick energy, toxic etc etc etc etc. It just is.

  3. A man should never tell his GF how to dress.

    You’re the most important person in your life, just find someone who accepts you as you are

  4. This isn’t the answer a lot of people will agree with but it shows a sign of disrespect to him. For one he should not be liking all those other pics of women in revealing clothing, that’s disrespectful to you which is not okay. But it gives off the vibe to him when you wear that type of clothing you want attention from other men as well. I’m not saying that’s the case, I’m just giving you a guys perspective. You should sit down and discuss why he feels the way he does and also let him know it bothers him he likes those type of photos

  5. *Edit*

    Just because a man may follow women that wear revealing clothing doesn’t mean they will also want to date/be in a relationship or anything serious with them.

    *Note Now, that doesn’t mean anyone has to right to tell their partner what to do.*


    Like for me I could follow half naked women on social media, but that doesn’t mean I’d date in a serious relationship women like that.

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