For context of my situation, I’ve known this girl for about 3 years, we would hangout in large groups and have always had a lot of similarities. We talked for a bit when we first met but nothing went anywhere because she started dating some guy and shortly after I started dating her best friend who is now my ex. (Important: her ex cheated on her and basically ruined relationships for her) I moved for college a few months ago but we kept in touch and I eventually came back to our hometown to visit. Our group went to hangout at her place and we talked to each other the entire time, I mean literally it was like it was just me and her there. Anyway it got to that point where everyone left and I was still there so I made a move (also important: her sisters bf told me that night that she called me her future hubby) and we ended up kissing for about 10 minutes. Goes without saying her and her best friend aren’t friends anymore but they already had a falling off at that point.

After that we hung out almost everyday for 2 months. This wasn’t entirely me jus being clingy but she would always want to chill with me so fuck it we hangout everyday. Where I fucked up is I was really into her, like very and she was into me as well, but I would ask her to be my gf multiple times. She told me she wasn’t ready for that but told me not to worry because she promised me that one day she will be. Point is I shouldn’t have asked her more than once but I can’t go back now so ya that was my mistake. She told me that if we are meant for each other, nothing needed to be rushed. I’m inpatient. I was ready, we wanted dif things at the time but I basically ignored that. I went back to college cause I take condensed classes so I had a lot of time to hang with her and our time ran out. She came to my apartment at college for my birthday and once again I asked her to be my gf. She broke down crying, we talked and everything was okay, so I didn’t think much about it. The day she leaves she tells me she can’t do this with me anymore, she said what we have already feels like a relationship and she isn’t ready for that yet. She left me. I tried to play it cool and told her I’ve been thinking since our talk and I don’t know if I was ready either. But what hurt the most is she told me she doesn’t know if she actually has feelings for me. Her brain is confusing, she says she never knows how she feels about anything and blames it on her addiction to weed (Because of that she has quit smoking and is trying to regain the ability of knowing what she wants and feels, also told me she isn’t a relationship typa person). But the confusing part is she then told me after she had the urge to tell me she loves me multiple times. Then kissed me for 5 minutes and left. She said she needed space. Since then she has talked to me everyday, keeps the same energy and acts like nothing ever happened between us. I’m so lost and don’t know what to do with her. Do I ignore her? Continue talking to her? I suck at this shit with women.

Edit: thought I should make it clear that she needed space and wasn’t ready because she doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life and our situationship moved too fast. I know we are young and ignorant but I haven’t felt this strongly about a person in a while, we never fought and only had good times there wasn’t ever a bad time between us.

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