what’s the next step after being friendzoned?

  1. Find out which one of her friends, sister, mom, coworker to hit on. Based on HS, College, and work, I’ve seen it happen often enough suggest this strategy. It will get you laid. Prob won’t win her over.

  2. Be a good friend. Given your dumb ass question you probably need a close friend of the opposite sex.

  3. You either accept the fact that you’ll only be friends and if that’s something that you can’t accept then you walk away.

  4. You move on, get a girlfriend…then they try to call you out of the friendzone. That’s why you don’t hang in the friendzone hoping to get called out of the farm team…

  5. Ether process the feelings and be a friend, or if you can’t process the feelings you show some self respect and leave

  6. Go away, stop talking to her, become a better man, gain more sexual experience, come back and realize she wasn’t that great to begin with.

  7. You leave unless you want to be that guy.

    Even if it turns into a romantic relationship… good chance it’s because you’re her 2nd choice.

    If you’re cool with that, then alright.

  8. No such thing as this mythical label.

    You are either already friends or you’re not.

    Putting you into the “friendzone” after dating with romantic possibility is just a soft rejection.

    Answer: move along and forget they existed.

  9. Use it as your fuel to make yourself better. Move onwards and upwards. Goal should be to get her to realize it was a mistake, but you’ve moved on.

  10. You leave, cry in a pillow or whatever to get over it and cast your net again.

    Yes leave as in gone, you dont linger around hoping to change her mind or accept the friendzone consolation “prize”.

  11. Cry your tears for exactly 56 minutes.

    Then you move on and find someone who wants you.

    Your girl-friend (note the hyphen) will either be happy for you or realize she made a mistake and will finally want you. Doesn’t matter, because you’ve found someone who wanted you the on the first go-round.

    This next part is important…

    **Under no circumstances** do you mess up the new thing to finally try with the girl who considered you the **option** instead of the **choice**!

  12. Stay friends for multiple years till you eventually confess your love to her, she says you ruined everything, then you never see her again.

  13. That’s the last step, actually.

    You’re either in or you’re out.

    Last woman I courted, gave me the “but we can just be friends or fwb spiel.”

    My reply was simple: ” I can’t be friends with a woman I crave. And I damn sure won’t be friends with a woman that knows I want a relationship with her.”

  14. There really is no next step. You just respect their boundaries and move on. Not much else you can do. Sorry to hear that. I know that kind of stuff hurts.

  15. Get sidewalk chalk and make an outline of the friend zone to visualize the zone. That’s going to look like two boxes probably. One around you and one around the other. There will be space between the boxes.

    That space can change, but the boxes will never overlap.

  16. Ask yourself “do I want to be this person’s friend?”

    If yes, be their friend. If no, let it go and move on.

    Whether you want to be their romantic partner or not isn’t relevant. Friendship is what’s offered and if that isn’t good, you don’t take it.

  17. Im pretty sure you’re supposed to stand outside her window in the rain with a boom box playing some 80s glam rock song. It works every time in the movies.

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