I had a condo for 3 years and sold it recently. I got a good amount of money from the sale & decided to move back in with family to save money towards the down payment on a future home. I’m saving my paychecks but know being almost 30 & living with family can be frowned upon.

  1. your 28 not many 30 yr olds can say they own a home. If someone’s turned off that you made a sale made money and now about to buy a home in the near future, they’re slow. I think that’s attractive in a way because YOU are getting YOUR shit together

  2. Dated a girl that sold her house to get away from her ex and moved in with her grandma. Not a deal
    Breaker. Life happens

  3. Not at all, you have lived on your own and actually have goals, are good at managing your money/fiscal goals. You seem responsible.

    I see this as a green flag! I would love if my partner had similar ambitions and a similar mindset.

    I’m in a very similar situation, and will be buying my first house this year (I just turned 31M), after years of savings. This hasn’t really negatively impacted my dating (to my knowledge), I think it’s all about how you phrase it and tell your story.

    For me, I thought about getting an apartment, but at that time, my job was just okay and I computed my savings vs rent payment, ALL my money would practically be going towards rent. I’d rather invest that money towards a house and future. Now I have a great career, and have the savings! This is what I tell my dates. If they have a problem and it’s a dealbreaker, alright, best wishes. But I don’t think things are often that black and white, and don’t personally think it has been a reason why some things didn’t develop further.

    It’s different if you’re living at home just playing video games and unemployed, versus being a person with actual goals and a resume of achievements.

  4. I’m 33m and I moved back home last year after 8 years on my own. My family talked me into it to save money and it was honestly a good choice. I know many won’t like my situation and that’s fine but I am chosing to make sacrifices now so I can hopefully afford a house later. Not a turn off at all, we all gotta do what we can to get by, if someone has an issue with that then they aren’t for you.

  5. It’s all about the ‘why’? The fact that you have a plan and are working towards something realistic is the main thing.

    Difference between, “I sold my condo, have cash, but want to build up a lot more to buy a house” and “I’m finding myself and working on my rap career” is quite drastic.

  6. Most guys probably aren’t going to care so long as you are taking care of yourself. Which is absolutely the case. You owned a home and sold it and are saving for another. This is especially so if you live in a high cost of living area where people living at home later into life is common.

  7. Most men aren’t gonna care, but I understand how you feel. I’m recently divorced (51m), right at a year now. I don’t even try to date because I’m living in a RV. I feel like most women want men to have a house. I’m still recovering financially from the divorce and housing today is outrageous! I would rather live in something that I own than rather than throw away money renting an apartment that’s just as expensive as a house note.

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