I’m curious to hear from real people, not CNN, Fox, or other MSM. How is work for you in the current economic conditions? Is your company slowing down or expanding? Have there been layoffs? What industry? Are you looking for a job? How’s that going? Has your income changed?

Are you spending normally or holding off on purchases (big or small)?

  1. Nope. I’m have more work than I’ve ever had. We need to hire someone else but my boss is cheap

  2. I work as a federal contractor.. my income is secure for the next few years at minimum unless I screw up really bad. Healthcare sector.

  3. For context, I work for a call center in the quality side, we were originally just a temporary project working for a very large tech company.

    So far we’ve been made as a permanent team, nearly doubled in size, a few pay raises this past year (around $4 increase).

    0 layoffs, I am just casually browsing to see if I can snag anything better paying but overall I would only worry if the company we work for starts cutting back on hiring.

  4. I was working retail as a retrench job after being laid off. The CEOS have been telegraphing they have to close stores. Will see millions of people properly fucked. My facility wasn’t profitable because of the volume of theft. I remember when we could haul the shoplifters into the AP/LP office and wait for the cops. tTe though that we shouldn’t ruin people’s lives with shoplifting felonies is going to cause professional shoplifters to ruins people lives when the layoffs lead to divorce and introduce suicide as a social contagion in their families.

    But I’ve started at a small tax office two days a week and I’ll be at a CPA office the other 3 and after tax season. I should be golden.

  5. I work in healthcare IT. Knock on wood, hasn’t really affected us, but we’ve also been in a hiring freeze since Covid that hasn’t been lifted yet. A lot of tech company layoffs are because of hiring that they did during the pandemic.

  6. I just got a job being a ghostwriter for a company specializing in finding people jobs……so I think I’ll be okay.

  7. Things have slowed down. Still got a 10% raise this year.

    Work is easier. Not concerned about layoffs as I’ll have more time to manage my portfolio.

  8. There’s a recession? I don’t think we’re having one of those here.

    I work for my country’s government and they have committed to make big steps in trying to safeguard the environment. I work in law enforcement in environmental protection, working with our scientists on a major research project, so I’m busy as fuck and we are recruiting.

  9. Not me particularly, no. I’m not worried for myself because A) I’m literally the only person at my company who does what I do and B) we have contractors on my team that my boss has said we’d cut first if the accountants came for us.

    I do know that other areas of my company have cut people, but this is at a company that went like gangbusters during the pandemic so realistically we probably over-hired in the last couple of years and a settling market/revenue is fleshing that out.

  10. I work for one of the worlds biggest Agri- businesses. We have flat out stopped producing 3 products in the last 2 to 3 years. Focusing on just the remaining 3. The cutbacks were caused by the production stop but have since then rehired some of those workers.
    One concern in our building is about once a month we have a higher up leave for a different plant within the same company. Each person that has left has been people that have been here for years that you would think would never leave. That paired with the product cancellations and the loss of a really big client some here have their concerns.

    Our plant gets a yearly raise based on performance of the building as a whole and is calculated as a percentage of the current base rate of pay for your position. No change in my spending lately just trying to get myself to what is considered “financial freedom”. Changing 401k deposit and tax types and paying off debt.

  11. I work in tech, where the shortcomings of last earnings period created speculation of another coming wave of recession. There have been several acquisitions and mergers to consolidate lower-performing entities, but really not that many layoffs (I’m on the east coast FYI). I’ve seen companies really slow down on hiring, but from a layman’s perspective I think last quarter was more of a turbulent hiccup.

  12. In property management the past year after getting burned out working through the pandemic ina hotel. Whether it’s from lack of proper pay or shifting through the bottom of experience, maintenance workers have been a struggle to retain. it’s a rather large property that management refuses to hire third party vendors to do the emergency work and puts stress on the few maintenance guys we have.

    That along with laws that restricted properties from evicting people who had $10,000+ dollars owed from not paying rent (we worked with the people who went through the proper channels and were receiving government assistance and even if they were late in payments we always confirmed with their case handlers that they are in the works to getting what they qualified for ) as they took advantage of the eviction moratorium and just decided not to pay as they very obviously were not struggling income wise. just put a whole stress on the company. I do what I can for the residents but it’s frustrating when I just can’t give a solution in a timely manner or my hands get ties because of state laws. Been updating my resume and hopefully will be going back to hospitalilty or end up in a new work field that’s not as customer facing as people have changed attitude wise across the board

  13. Things are are pretty much the same. Haven’t been getting as many headhunting calls as before but at the same time I haven’t updated the resume and gone applying.

    I’m a chemist so I bounce around within the field doing whatever

  14. I work in biotech. Everything is good here. No layoffs, we are getting raises and bonuses, we are working through some small supplier issues but overall things are good

  15. Not really. Except the rise is prices are exacerbating existing problems. People can’t afford to live here so hiring is next to impossible. Meaning we’re all overwhelmed. My work covers our health insurance premiums but the plans got ridiculously more expensive for our employer this year (private insurance is such a scam sometimes). Also our patient population is suffering because they were already vulnerable and now things have gotten objectively more expensive. There is a lot of heartbreak and burnout going around. I’m going to need to move out of town next year also. Plus I want to go to grad school. What a time to be alive.

  16. Work is good. Work is expanding, though different parts of the company have had lay-offs without manufacturing being touched. Pharmaceutical industry. No, I’m not looking for a job; I love doing what I do.

  17. I just quit my job and got a new one 2 days later, I’m a chef and it’s so easy to find work atm

  18. I’m in lane development right now. And our developer clients are still hounding to get projects done and they are bringing us new business regularly.

  19. Our company is cutting back on hiring and expenses, recession fear spreading throughout entire industry

    But my vertical team just had our biggest Q1 ever and landed the largest single order in our companies history

  20. No not really. My job is very insulated from most things.

    I was essential during pandemic, and it feels like all i get is more work haha.

  21. I’m a cargo pilot.

    December 2022, my company contracts with package carriers like UPS, FedEx, and DHL, as well as Amazon. December’s loads were way down, and we experienced a massive slowdown for January and February. To put it in perspective, before December I was averaging about 80 hours of flight time a month, this month I flew 19 hours, and I’m off for the rest of the month. Allegedly next month the schedule is supposed to fill up, but we shall see.

    My base pay has not been cut, but for the last year I was picking up loads of overtime, so with that gone, it’s a bit of a cut.

    We haven’t laid anybody off, but as far as trying to move up to a different like UPS or FedEx, both companies have frozen hiring for at least 3 more months. I know that the passenger side (AA, United, Delta) is still hiring, but I have no desire to go work the pax side.

  22. Got laid off in October, found a new job in November and peaced out after a week because that shop made my hair stand on end.

    Been working odd jobs like I did in college with the equipment I’ve amassed so I haven’t really scuffed my parachute yet. Perk of enjoying cooking is when your only expenditure is an annual big buy of meat, weekly produce runs, and sacks of flour and starches, your food costs go thru the floor

    one pork loin is a week of dinners plus a few lunches, and that’s $15.

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