So the title says it, my girlfriend and I actually had oral sex. We had no condoms so we decided not to do penetrative sex in her vagina. She first blowed me off and licked my testicles. However, she was really in the mood therefore she basically dry humped or WET HUMPED me on my testicle…what worries me is there was pre cum in her saliva when sucking me and which was around my testicle too and during our wet hump? her vagina definitely was rubbing against my testicles.

Now I’m worried about unwanted pregnancy. What are th3 chances?

She just finished her period today.

  1. I place the odds at becoming pregnant by, er, “humping a testicle” at %.0000000000000001. Odds are also very low on the last day of her period, since odds of ovulation are exceedingly low, and there’s no uterine lining. There’s usually a few people who disagree, but I’m of the opinion you could be blowing entire loads in her at that point in her cycle and be better than 99.99% protected. And randomly rubbing your nuts is a lot, lot less effective than receiving a complete load in the vagina. Sperm need to have complete seminal plasma to have anything close to an optimal chance.

    I place your odds at less than one in a billion. ‘Twill be fine.

  2. there is literally no chance she is pregnant. the chance of any precum entering her vagina from that situation is extremely minimal in the first place. but because she was just on her period, even if there *was* sperm present, there would be no chance of it fertilizing an egg.

  3. Fun act. A russian serial killer couldn’t get it up so he would jerk off and finger his wife.

    So not impossible.

  4. Omg. If you’re this concerned stop doing shit. You’re too dumb to do anything but hump a pillow…

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