Redditors, whats is something from your past/childhood what you wish would return?

  1. Childhood ignorance and stupidity. Also when I played Dying Light with my best friend and Assassin’s Creed were good imo.

  2. I miss how apolitical the world was. My parents didn’t even know what “liberal” or “conservative” meant until 2020. My dad is still trying to work it out actually. Now everything is politicized. Can’t even play a fucking Harry Potter video game without being transphobic.

  3. How I treated one of my exes, we had an acrimonious break up with lots of insults being thrown around and I said some horrible things about her.

    I’ve tried apologising when I’ve bumped into her in the past, but she wasn’t interested, can’t say I blame her really.

  4. The excitement when playing video games. Games do not feel fun to me anymore for a few years now

  5. I had a ton of action figures growing up. He-man, G.I. Joe, WWF and Ninja Turtles. Plenty I destroyed growing up or would lose burying them in the backyard. A bunch I sold as an adult for pennies during a low point in my life when I was desperate for money. I wish I treated them better and held on to them for certain.

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