What is your biggest teenage regret?

  1. I was late to something that I couldn’t be late too. Almost 30 years later, I still have a panic attack if I’m falling behind schedule when I have to be somewhere.

  2. Not asking out more girls. I focused on the ones who I knew were into me. But only making a move when I was sure.

    Looking back, I fumbled a lot of opportunities due to my own insecurities.

  3. Being a little shit. I wasn’t bad, but I could sure be moody at times and sometimes took it out on those closest to me. But I’ve learned. Didn’t have a great home life and I’ve learned people are a lot less toxic than what so much of our culture makes them out to be, and are instead struggling with some emotional trauma and don’t know how else to handle it.

  4. Believing everything girls said. Believing her when she said there’s no need to use a condom because she’s “infertile”

    Now I’m 24, six years later and my son lives with us full time. My family. Last she saw him was 2020.

  5. The only major thing would have been not asking out more ladies. I’ve ran into numerous ladies post high school that said I was attractive and would have went out with me if I asked.

  6. 1. When I was rude to others or wasn’t as good of a friend as I should have been
    2. I had some physical flaws as a teen, and looking back my obvious insecurity is much more of a problem than what I looked like

  7. I wish I would have worked hard to lose weight. That insecurity really killed my self esteem and my confidence, to the point I never made a move on or got anywhere with crushes in MS and HS, even some who were obviously into me.

  8. I started playing RTS(real-time strategy) games. There is still no substitute for it some 25 years later…

  9. I should have done more dual enrollment classes through my city college while I was in highschool. Also I probably should have given up on my stupid childhood dreams sooner and gotten into endurance sports. Otherwise it went fairly well.

    Last thing, if I knew what I knew now then I would have asked my parents to let me see a psychiatrist to get help for my anxiety. Getting on meds has literally changed my life for the better (especially once I got on the right ones). Therapy has been helpful too. I’m a much more relaxed person now.

    I also wasted too much time playing videogames instead of training. I wish I had done cross country and swim. And I wish that I had listened to my dad and stuck with road biking. With all those extra years of training I’d be an absolute beast right now. Whereas I feel like all my current training is like playing catch-up.

  10. Getting into drugs. Wasted so much of my life and so much money too. Ten years sober this year!

  11. Bought a TV. If I had to do it again, there would be no TV in my life. The experiences of life are too magical to miss on that fucking box.

  12. Thinking I needed to go to college when I hated school/didn’t gaf in hs🤦🏽‍♂️ Took 2 years off just to go to college and flunk out after a year and a half.

  13. Missing a ton of signs that girls were attracted to me. It wasn’t until my senior year in highschool, when 2 girls asked me to the Prom, that I started to realize I’m attractive.

  14. Putting all my eggs in one basket with the wrong one. Definitely the wrong one. On second thought though it worked out because I have an exceptional wife now!

  15. I was extremely picky about who I dated.

    Had multiple chances to date a lot of nice girls. But because they didn’t look like Victoria’s Secret models (I was in HS 2004-2008) I said no.

  16. I was a dick, when I didn’t need to be. I was very angry about how life had gone up to that point when I should have just been focusing on the future

  17. Stand up to bullies. Nobody deserves to have their self-esteem lowered for the entertainment of a bully. Show then you’re not a doormat. Workout too.

  18. Maybe never getting into a relationship. I promised myself I would never date anyone in high school, but now I’m in college looking for a girlfriend and am quite lost on how to get one

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