What have you stolen in your life that you don’t regret?

  1. Only thing I ever stole was Barbie Ophelia doll, I was like 2 or 3. My parents went back to store and just paid for it, because I already opened it when they noticed. I also don’t regret it, that doll was the best doll ever.

  2. A white fluffy so-soft and comfy bath robe from the Soho Grand Hotel in NYC. I thought they would bill me, but they never did. No regrets

  3. Stolen the freedom of a man who SA’d many kids by testifying and sending his ass to prison.

  4. When I was starving artist actor in NYC I stole makeup from Sephora sometimes to wear for auditions. Wasn’t Sephora’s fault but I still don’t feel bad as the beauty standards for women are impossible, especially in that industry. My cute male actor friends could (and did) show up to auditions straight from the gym with wet hair from their Planet Fitness shower and would book gigs that would pay hundreds while I was expected to pay hundreds on hair, skin, makeup, nails, and outfit if I was to have a prayer of booking anything.

    I have made up for it by becoming a VIB member and buying skincare, haircare, and makeup products exclusively from Sephora even though I’m no longer a professional actor and am rarely on camera anymore.

  5. – a traffic light. I was drunk and stupid, and I’ve accumulated a fair collection of stupid traffic & construction signs / paraphernalia. However, I usually only take things that have been damaged/aren’t in use anyway, like a broken traffic light.

    Fixed it, programmed it and put it in front of my door. My roommates that never got the hint for privacy can’t overlook this “do not disturb” and finally give me some peace and quiet

    (we’re rather open minded and when the door is open we just waltz in on one another – otherwise we’ve come to terms with each other’s space at least since I’ve implemented this absolute unit.)

  6. I accidentally stole a bottle of olive oil from Walmart once. Went through the self-check out and left it in the cart. But it’s Walmart, so I’m sure that they will be fine.

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