My bf \[27\] says he broke up with his long-term ex because he realised he didn’t love her and the only reason he was in a relationship with her was because she insisted on giving it a go. But I also know that he would get very insecure/jealous in that relationship (eg if she hung out with her male friends, dressed a certain way etc). I somehow don’t believe that he didn’t love her. Can the two things be true at the same time? Not loving someone but still being very insecure with them?



tldr; Can you still feel insecure in a relationship even if you don’t love your partner?

  1. I think that insecurity comes from not feeling like you are good enough for somebody and you wouldn’t think you’re not good enough for someone or you wouldn’t give a shit for lack of a better phrase if that was true so I don’t believe that he didn’t love her I think he definitely did but he sounds like he was hurt by the fact that she would give attention to other people and stuff and so it’s easier for him to just say he was sticking around because he wanted to give it a go then to admitting that he was heartbroken over it /
    Never being enough for her / having to share her attention with other guys , to you.

  2. >he broke up with his long-term ex ***because he realised*** he didn’t love her… he would get very insecure/jealous in that relationship (eg if she hung out with her male friends, dressed a certain way etc)

    /u/Chemicalromance560 The answer to your question is yes. It is as you said, before he REALISED he didn’t love her, he would get very insecure and jealous about who ex hangs out with and how ex dress, etc. I pray he isn’t insecure/jealous with who you choose to hang out with and how you choose to dress either.

  3. Love is a feeling, so it can come and go. He probably loved her didn’t love her, depending on his mood and her behavior. He may also be focusing on the not loving parts because you are his new partner. That would be normal good boyfriend behavior, as opposed to going on and on about how much he loved his ex.

    I would let it go.

  4. Yes you absolutely can be this way. When you’re that painfully insecure, you want the affection and attention from people, even if you don’t actually like them, because you need the validation. Love has nothing to do with that

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