What was the most controversial comment made by any of your female/girl friends and how did you react to it?

  1. That the most important thing about sex for a straight woman was pleasing men: Women who didn’t “put out” and agreed to do whatever their male partners wanted in bed were boring, and only had themselves to blame if they got cheated on.

    She didn’t know that I knew that she said it, because she happened to have an account on a community that I knew about only because I frequented the same forums; She shared so much personal info I eventually figured out it was her. I texted her and told her I saw her post, and that I wasn’t comfortable being her friend anymore. A couple of our mutual friends followed suit.

  2. Former friend told me breaking up with my toxic boyfriend would be a sin because he was “god’s will” for me (because a prophet had said our marriage would make a great impact within the Church).

    Broke up with him anyway.

    Discovered he’d fraudulently borrowed over $100,000 in my name.

    Not today, Satan.

  3. Um. One of them expressed interest in buying hogwarts legacy. I didnt say anything, because what other people do with their money is up to them.

    It’s not high drama, but it’s not a very controversial group, thankfully.

  4. My friend told me that she wishes she’d be lesbian like me, because then she can have orgasms. It was just blank stare from me. I didn’t know what to tell her, like, girl, you too have fingers.

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