/what hobby can a girl get into to meet quality men?

I dont want this to come across as I’m doing it just to meet men, but I’m trying to get into new things so this would be a great incentive!

  1. Video games probably.

    I say this as someone that doesn’t game. But it would be fun to game with a partner.

  2. What she does isn’t so important as her being really emotionally committed to it.

    It’s really cute when women are super-engaged in something and they love it.

  3. I am really into fashion and photography. To me, if a woman is into fashion, makeup, photography, modeling, etc…

  4. Adult intramural sports that are just for fun like kickball are fantastic for meeting fun people. Also professional networking events, groups and or meet ups offer a lot of great ways to connect with quality people too.

  5. I can’t really think of a hobby that would be considered an instant plus. When I’m looking to seriously date a woman, I’m not worried about her hobbies. We don’t need to like the same things. You shouldn’t have a problem meeting quality men, you just have to choose those guy’s to date. Along with being in-shape and having a good personality.

    Cooking and working out probably. It’s cool if she has hobbies like mountain biking or investing for example. However I wouldn’t date a woman based off those two things. Hobbies are non factors for me when picking a girlfriend. My focus is on her beauty, body, and personality.

  6. “what hobby can a girl get into to meet quality men?

    I dont want this to come across as I’m doing it just to meet men”

    Umm what?

    You have hiking in your name, I’m assuming you like to hike? Men like to hike too….
    But if you were hiker , you would know this already.

  7. It’s a pretty bizarre question tbh. I know you’ve said you don’t want to sound like the point of the hobby isn’t to meet a partner… but that’s what you’re asking, and it defeats the purpose of having a hobby.

    Why don’t you do it the other way around. Think about what you enjoy doing – most hobbies involve a degree of skill, so it should be at least adjacent to something you are good at. Have a look at all the different ways you can approach that skill (e.g. if you like painting but don’t want to paint on a canvas you could paint objects like cups/mugs/plates, you could paint miniatures or even people with bodypaint) and try a few out. If it’s something you’re enjoying look for groups near you and meet other enthusiasts. If you meet someone cool at one of those places – what a bonus to the cool new hobby you have that makes you a more interesting person.

    For a lot of people someone with no hobbies/interests is a red flag. Many of us have experienced the joy of being shamed for our hobby by a SO for no other reason than their own lack of interests – if a person can’t be content in their own company they can’t be content with a partner who can.

  8. One that she actually likes, and isn’t just doing to get attention or approval from men.

  9. You have to define your version of quality men first. For some women it can range from sporty guys to guys that make a 100k minimum.

    Want what you want, just be honest as its easier to move forward.

    Hobbies tend to attract men of a similar demo so its easier to pinpoint if you define “quality man”

  10. Anything constructive or creative. Playing a musical instrument, painting, woodworking, elaborate crafting, whatever. I would find those all an instant plus very interesting to talk about.

    I stumble upon YT channels for new things all the time. Like check out Peter Brown if you’re interested in resin casting and turning. None of it is super complex. very accessible. And he’s just entertaining to listen to.

  11. Cooking.
    Most men I know like eating.

    And it is not learning to cook because you have to cook for men or anyone but it’s because you have to have delicious meal for yourself.
    (That is why I started learning how to cook )

  12. Car enthusiasts. I will warn you in that community the old saying of “the odds are good, but the goods are odd” holds true.

  13. To meet quality guys, Rock climbing/bouldering? Always have to be aware of what people are doing around you and be cordial for the most part.

  14. My longsword and rapier sparring partner is a woman. She’d be beating them back with a stick if she wasn’t also handily holding a longsword at most events.

  15. For me, I was really excited when I learned the girl I was dating was into woodworking/carving/pyrography (woodburning).

    She’s now my wife. Downside is…the “check and balance” that most guys have when they want to buy a new tool that says “do you really need that?” Mine says “okay”

  16. Just do what you actually like or have an interest in. Imagine a guy that joins hobby groups with the sole intention of picking up girls, it’s kinda sad.

  17. liking video games, good food, movies, anime or anything I like. Having a dark humor. Most importantly, if she isn’t a celebrity or anything, not posting her life on social media. why is it so hard for people not to narrate their life on instagram or snapchat ?

    Also if she doesn’t have snapchat, oh my, I think i found the perfect soul

  18. Working out.

    Staying fit is really key to maintaining long term sexual attraction, and also working out is great for mental health, and also a little bit of personal self-discipline goes a long way.

  19. Anything physically active/healthy is great, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a ‘hobby’ that you do all the time though, just a few hours a week is enough

    Beyond that I can’t really think of anything except ‘something I’m also into so we can do it together’

    But also any normal interest that gets you out the house and doing things is a good sign

  20. An interesting one. What is interesting will vary wildly based on the social circles you frequent. Personally, anything active I’d give mad props for. Artistic hobbies are great as well (being creative basically). Being passionate about something is important.

    But personally, if your hobby is celebrity gossip or watching TV, getting trashed every weekend, or having an identity that’s tied to Instagram then I’d classify that as being not interesting. Others will vary though but your question is rather personal in nature.

  21. I knew a woman whose hobby was giving blow jobs. She had an arrangement with her neighbor where she could practice on him.

    Surprisingly, this turned out to NOT endear her to me.

    I think we were both surprised and disappointed.

    I also had a dog park friend who painted pictures of dogs for fifty bucks each. In truth, I loved her the moment I first saw her, but I never felt it back. Also I was about ten years older so I figured that she wouldn’t want me.

    Turns out she married a man that was a year older than me.

  22. Any creative or crafty hobby, especially a crafty hobby that can be used to make useful things, is a plus for me. Buying me my favorite scarf, that’s nice, but knitting me my favorite scarf is on a whole other level.

  23. Yeah, that’s putting the cart before the horse. If you want to attract men – including the ones worth giving the time of day – you don’t pick by hobby. You pick a hobby and then, with that going for you, you’re going to meet people. Some of those people will be men. Some of those men will be – or will know – men that you want to date.

    Start with what hobby you would genuinely love even if all you were ever going to get out of it was practicing the hobby. Let dating come second.

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