My boyfriend (23M)(together 3 years) has since a few weeks a new job. I’m (20F) happy he has a job but his boss (45 ish M) freaks me out. Last night after work he took my boyfriend out to a bar. He was drinking and my boyfriend got paid to babysit him while he gets drunk.

His boss apparently flirted with other women while he is in a relationship and my boyfriend doesn’t see the problem with it. He didn’t kiss anyone my BF said but still it really rubs me the wrong way.

My BF has a problem saying no sometimes and this was a occasion he should have said no to.

Now he’s trying to justify his boss’s behaviour saying he didn’t kiss anyone and that he pulled his boss away when things started going bad.

I’m upset my BF doesn’t see anything wrong with this whole situation.

Anyone any advice?

TLDR: bfs boss creeps me out and thinks it’s okay to flirt with other women when in a relationship. Bf doesn’t see anything wrong.

Edit: misspelled a word

  1. What would you like your bf to do? To be honest, in his place I’d find the boss very sketchy, but would figure it wasn’t my business to police the boss’ morals.

    Are you worried your bf will join in next time he’s out with the boss?

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