Hi All,

What are your thoughts on artists of all types who are considered cancelled? Do you still enjoy their work?

I’ve heard a lot about people who drop the artist as a result. What are your thoughts?

  1. The fact that in todays age we can call out people of all ages, fame, and status for being pieces of shit is incredible. It is often overused, but the fact that we can point out creeps and jerks for being creeps and jerks without being shunned is amazing.

  2. Shutting down someone for their opinion instead of engaging with them is destructive. Don’t listen to their music, play their game, watch their movie-whatever. But, pressuring their boss to fire them and ruin their life because they said something you don’t agree with? It just is so mind boggling to me.

  3. After the artist’s death, once they can no longer profit from it, I might take in their work. Michael Jackson had some incredible songs, ok?

    I draw the line at supporting “artists” like JKR, who have said that they consider sales of their work as explicit endorsement of their bigoted ideology and hateful ideas.

  4. I am in favor of powerful people being called out for their immoral and abusive behavior and encountering the natural consequences of that behavior.

    I am against campaigns of harassment and ostracization targeting people who are *not* powerful but have incurred the rage of an online mob for some minor infraction.

    (It’s important to clarify, because the term “cancel culture” is unfortunately used to describe both of these phenomena despite them being wildly different)

  5. I think it’s been taken too far and also I’ve seen people who actually should be canceled not and people who were canceled trying to do the right thing after realizing their ways and owning their mistakes. People are forgetting we are all humans.

  6. I think it depends on the context of the situation. If someone is being “cancelled” for political preferences, religion, etc. I think it’s ridiculous. However if someone is violent, abusive, is unjust etc. I can kind of understand. Example. Cancelling R. Kelly for being a pedophile vs cancelling J.k. Rowling for having different perspectives of the trans community.

  7. Cancel culture not only does nothing except bad mouth celebs online, they also do it to the wrong ones?? For minor minor things? Like go for people who actually need to get thrown into trash

  8. I personally don’t expect anyone to be perfect, and I take a persons body of work at face value. It wouldn’t affect my purchasing decisions to find out something bad about an artist, for example.

    However, I do think that it’s a good thing to hold people accountable, regardless of their power / social status, because often famous people get a “pass” for bad behavior. And now that’s changed somewhat, and I think that’s good,

  9. My opinion is cancel culture is moving from what it should have been into you must think like everyone else. Specifically with political and religious views that aren’t of the modern societal norms now.

    >Do you still enjoy their work?

    Yes. Bc I don’t care about the people but the content. I’m not losing the little bit of joy I have in a crap world

  10. It’s gone too far. In several ways. From bullying others enjoying Hogwarts Legacy because they disagree with JKR to cancelling people that have yet to actually do something wrong.

    I still remember the Johnny Depp and Amber Turd case. Was he blameless? No, but he didn’t deserve everything that happened after everyone jumped on the cancel Johnny bandwagon

  11. It’s made me evaluate people in a way I haven’t before. But honestly I don’t think canceling actually works.

    Take JK Rowling for an example she built a lot of peoples childhoods and a lot of peoples love for books. Now there’s a video game about being a student at hogwartz. Plenty of people are buying the game. People who don’t agree with her are either torrenting or buying her game and spoiling the game for a lot of people. By doing this I think it’s giving her a lot of free advertising and people are going to buy the game because it pops up on social media because people are talking about it. GTA paid people to make negative reviews on their game so more people would buy it.

    Personally I wouldn’t support JK Rowling I don’t think that she’s that great of a writer and I dislike her political opinions she’s trying to shove down peoples throats. BUT Harry Potter influenced so many kids childhoods to the point parents would say stuff like “are you excited for your hogwartz letter to come in?” I can fully understand why someone would buy the game. It’s nostalgic.

    Do I think anyone should be ostracized for liking something Marilyn Manson wrote or get upset someone likes Jeffery Stars makeup reviews? Absolutely not as long as they know oh hey this person did a bad thing and we shouldn’t do this ourselves that should really be it. Like of course stopping with buying their products is an ok way to show them we do not support their actions our 20$ we kept for ourselves is basically pennies to them. Why should they care what average folks think? They’re still profiting from any press they get

  12. People getting called out for poor behavior is good. Witch hunts are not. The goal should be to hold people accountable and allow them to improve, not generate social media engagement via performative outrage.

    I can still enjoy works of art from people who have done bad things, especially movies and shows… It seems pretty disrespectful to the rest of the cast & crew to hate the whole work because of one bad person. And DO NOT ever think it is appropriate to tell someone they’re not allow to engage with that work. It’s a personal decision.

  13. Nothing is black and white. I generally agree with cancel culture, especially in cases for abuse and sexual violence. I also think it’s totally reasonable for people to cancel someone for really horrible and racist ideology.

    For other situations I think people go way too far. To give a couple examples: I don’t believe it’s okay to cancel someone for having a right wing family member or for making crude jokes in 2006, etc. You can disagree with someone’s values without dogpiling. Also people not tolerating different political ideology is weird and pathetic. That’s all.

  14. I think people should stick to policing what happens in their own homes and their own consumer behaviors instead of trying to dictate what others should watch, listen to or read in theirs.

    Don’t like a TV show? Change the channel

    Don’t like an author? Don’t buy their books.

    Don’t like a song or artist? Don’t listen to them it buy their albums.

    But don’t try and make it so no one else can.

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