Yes, you read it right. She slapped me in front of about 30-40 people and it just happened last night.

We have been dating for a year and I know she likes to drink but I have never seen her like this. We went to a club yesterday and she got buzzed. While coming out I saw a few friends and was talking to them for a few minutes when one of them pointed out that my gf was about to get in the car of some random guy. I was shocked but recovered in time to run and stop her and she started fighting and yelling that I was not her dad and she can do what she wants, and then she slapped me. I am 100% sure that if my friends were not there then I would gotten my ass kicked by onlookers. And it really pissed me off to the point that I thought I should maybe let her go. But I just couldnt let her go with some random guy who will do God knows what with her.

So I finally was able to get her in a cab and dropped her at her place. Now on the ride back home I had decided to breakup with her and sent her a message informing her. I mean who will stay with someone who slapped them? But she has been calling me non stop since morning and has also written a long apology text saying sorry for hitting me and taking full blame for the mess last night. She also told me that she will quit drinking from today. Her roommate is my coworker so I asked her how she is and she told me that my gf has not eaten anything since morning and is just crying. Help me out here reddit, because now I am confused. I was so sure last night but now I dont know.

  1. Her actions are not your responsibility. If you want to get out of this relationship, you have every right to do so. She’ll be fine and you’ll be fine. Don’t let her actions stop you from going through with it.

  2. She’s a messy drunk. Maybe she quits for good, maybe she doesn’t but either way it doesn’t need to be your problem.

  3. So she apologized for the slap, did she apologize for trying to go home with another dude? She physically assaulted you after basically attempting to cheat on you.

    It’s good that she’s going to stop drinking, but it won’t undo the damage.

  4. Bro forget the slap (obviously don’t really forget the slap). I’d dump her the second she got in a car with another guy.

  5. She hit you. Yes, she should stop drinking, and she should be thanking you for saving her from what might’ve happened to her had she gone with the other guy.

    But her just stopping drinking isn’t going to solve the problems of her physically abusing you, and her cheating on you if you hadn’t been there. She needs to be talking about everything that she’s going to do regarding therapy and whatever else it’ll take to right those wrongs.

    Personally, after having an alcoholic father who was still abusive after he quit drinking, and an abusive ex who kept promising that he wouldn’t keep hurting me but then did, my recommendation is for you to block her and move on. Find someone who treats you kindly, and who doesn’t hit or cheat on you. I wish you well.

  6. What would you advise your son to do, if you had a son?

    I know what advice I would give to my son.

  7. Let’s say you find it in yourself to forgive her for slapping you (I sure as hell wouldn’t but it’s your call). What would have happened if your friends didn’t point out she was getting in that car? She was trying to go home with another man.

    She needs help and sobriety. Neither of which are your responsibility. Look out for yourself and wish her the best

  8. No-brainer to dump her. Wouldn’t care as much about the slap as the fact that she was about to go home and screw a stranger.

  9. You did the right thing. Physical abuse is not ok even when drunk. She has a problem. It doesn’t have to be your problem.

  10. Eh, I think it’s completely inappropriate. Not just the slap, especially the slap, but also because she was going to go home with another man.

    I would absolutely not care that she was drunk. A guy would have to go to therapy and prove himself. So why should she get a free pass when she basically assaulted you? This is not how adults conduct themselves.

    I’d stay broken up. It’s not ever okay to hit your partner.

    Edit: and I’m a woman.

  11. Don’t be with people you have insecurity with, tell her she can sleep with anyone she wants, get her std tests done and move on with your life.

  12. This is the first time YOU saw her going drunk with another dude. Who’s to tell how many times she did this without you being around.

  13. You wanna be a boyfriend or babysitter?

    She not only tried to cheat, but almost got you mobbed making people think you were attacking her.

    Alcohol doesn’t change people. It reveals them.

  14. You did the right thing. She wanted to cheat on you with a stranger in front of you and you got her away from the stranger, got her home, and decided that she has broken your boundaries. I wouldn’t ask your coworker about her any more. Just block her and get on with your life. You will always have a doubt about her every time she goes out and it is not worth it to try and save this relationship.

  15. Bro….

    If she drinks like this when you aren’t there, shes def gone home with someone else before.

  16. Let’s say she didn’t slap you and also didn’t try and cheat on you.

    She’s still way too old to be doing this kind of blackout drinking at the club. This is like 21 year old shit, not grown 30 year old shit.

    She humiliated you in public. Made you look like an incredible fool. Staying with her after that is just embarrassing.

    And taking her back sets the precedent that she can do unforgivable shit and then just pout and cry, and you’ll forgive her.

    Your friends and your family are gonna think of you as a clown if you don’t do what needs to be done and dump her.

    But everyone will have respect for you if you take this stand right here and right now. So forget her. It’s done. Ghosted. Blocked. Forgotten. Period.

  17. A drinking problem, a fidelity problem and capable of physically assaulting you. Sounds like a real catch!

    You could have gotten really hurt yesterday if the crowd had turned on you or assumed you were also planning on doing something nefarious with your now-ex.

    Return at your own risk.

  18. So she has a drinking problem, obviously can’t be trusted to be faithful, put both you and herself in danger, physically abused you, and publicly embarrassed you…. because she was “buzzed?”

    Shes already hit you once, it will happen again.

    Dude, get this dumpster fire of a human out of your life. Holy fucking shit.

    Let you dumping her be the wakeup call she needs.

    And get yourself an STD check.

  19. Shes got such a severe drinking problem that she was happy to cheat on you while you were present and then physically assault you when you tried to stop it. This isn’t a person you want to be with. You did the right thing breaking up with her, its not your problem that shes having such a hard time dealing with the consequences of her own actions that all she can do is cry and not eat. Stand your ground. Don’t take her back. Hopefully she’ll learn a lesson from this.

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