Im on a highly effective birth control, but still very anxious about not using a condom during sex due to an intense fear of pregnancy.
To people of all genders/sexualities: does it really feel different than not using a condom?

  1. It 💯 feels very different. It’s so much better. I can feel every vein. Every pulse. Everything. Plus I’m addicted to being full of his cum, lol.

  2. For most men.

    For women, it’s a lot more variable how much sensitivity they have internally. Some women find it even more enjoyable than men do. Some women can’t tell any difference at all.

    You can also see this in how vulnerable some women are to stealthing and other women instantly catch it if a guy tries to pull that shit.

  3. It feels different/better (as a woman) but not hugely so. For me it’s more the lack of smell of latex & not drying up from the artificial material which I really like. I don’t feel any pulsing or him ejaculating inside whatsoever.

    If a pregnancy would be disastrous for you, it’s probably worth peace of mind to keep using them. If you’ll be racked with stress & anxiety every month and doing pregnancy tests etc, it’s totally not worth it.

    Which BC are you on? I had nexplanon and didn’t use condoms for 3 years with no issue. I felt very secure in it.

  4. I know there is a invisible rule on everyone saying that sex with a condom is the same as without. But let’s be honest here it’s not. When my bf and I started having sex we used condoms and it was so hard to keep him up and could not make him cum whatsoever (we would go on for hours too). I thought something was wrong with me or that maybe he didn’t find me attractive but he said it’s not that, I’m pretty sure he knew from the start that the condoms made him feel absolutely NOTHING but he wanted to be on the safe side. We even tried multiple brands and sizes, nothing. I eventually got on birth control (the pill) and we stopped using condoms, haven’t had any problems or complaints since.

    It feels way different, obviously for him, but for me too. Sometimes the condoms hurt and they dry up easily so you have to keep using lube which is annoying. For me it was just painful.

  5. Yeah condom free sex is way better haha. Just use the pull out method! If you’re already on BC it’s most likely fine.

    You can also track your cycles and don’t have sex when you are ovulating as an extra layer of caution.

  6. My bf and I use condoms religiously, but have gone without a time or two for the first few minutes and yes. Without is much better. Warmer, more intimate, you can feel the ridge of their head. Ugh. If only my body didn’t hate hormonal birth control. I know it’s better for men too because with one my bf can go on forever but without, he can barely hold himself together lol.

  7. Put a latex glove on and poke a finger into something gooey/soft (mud, dough, etc). Then remove the glove and do it raw.

  8. YES it is a billion times better. Better glide, better sensations. After ditching condoms, I learned the free movement of my husbands foreskin during PIV generated a loooot of orgasms for me. I had no idea! I also think the intimacy level is a little higher when bare🤷🏻‍♀️

  9. Yes it does. It’s amazing. Not worth the stress for everyone tho. I’m on the iud and have access to an abortion if needed but not everyone can do that.

  10. I’m on birth control and my boyfriend busts inside of me like 2 times a day… You are fine lol. I’m also a milf so I have kids if you track your period you can always take plan b after sex around ovulation if your worried. But honestly you shouldn’t be

  11. I like it better because condoms physically hurt due to the lack of lubrication about halfway through, and I love how close I feel to my boyfriend ! Raw is my personal favorite

  12. Sex without a condom feels 100000% better for me. However, when I was using condoms, using the ultra thin ones honestly felt pretty close to sex without a condom.
    Although I don’t know that most men would say the same thing.

  13. Yeah as a female i cant stand condoms they make me dry as hell and give me bv & yeast infections.

  14. Yes, absolutely, 100%. I can’t do sex with a condom, any condom – I’m far, far happier doing literally anything else even for the entire duration of a relationship if the only penetrative option is with a condom. I’d rather handjobs forever and would be happier that way.

  15. Raw feels way better for me and most of the women I’ve been with have mentioned it as well, but 1. everyone is different and 2. no way will I advocate for someone doing something they’re not comfortable with especially with the chance of pregnancy involved.

    I would say try it if you’re curious, but not just because you feel any obligation to from these comments, and consider combining your current birth control method with another one

  16. For men it kills much of the sensitivity. For the ladies, it changes the friction levels dramatically.

  17. female here – it is so much better than with condoms. I feel I don’t dry up as easily and it just feels so much nicer than when he’s wearing one. Though he doesn’t last quite so long when he doesn’t wear one…a few more rounds is nice i guess haha

  18. As a woman it’s way better without condoms. They seem to dry me up after a while and I end up chaffing.

    Much more sensation without condoms and no nasty latex smell. Just feels more intimate too.

  19. Me and my gf are using condom cause she don’t want to use any hormonal birth control. Also cause she is handicapped we avoid a huge mess with condom. Sometimes it’s really hard to cum and sex feels really dull so I don’t even want sex so often. But one time when we broke a condom it feeld like I only need 10 seconds to cum. It feels so much better at bare back. So yes there is a difference.

  20. I’ve been on birth control for 20 yrs, but prefer sex with a condom. I never felt a difference once I found Skyn condoms. Before that I had issues with condoms due to latex sensitivity

  21. From personal experience if it’s an ill fitting condom especially yes. You may feel the reservoir tip but I feel like it’s a small (literally) price to pay for more piece of mind. Try a few different brands. Everyone is different though. One thing my wife and I commented was initially it felt much warmer for both of us. There’s also the mental aspect too. It does feel a bit naughtier(?)

  22. It’s like the difference between getting a pizza at your favorite pizza shop vs microwaving a frozen pizza from Walmart. They really aren’t even the same thing.

  23. As a woman, going bare doesn’t feel all that different compared to a condom, but what I really enjoy is that you can just start sex without having to stop, find the condom, open the wrapper, make sure it’s put on properly blah blah blah… Just start kissing and petting and fucking like mother nature designed. Plus I love it when a guy cums in me, it just feels so good and satisfying. Must be some kind of animal instinct thing.

    I’m going out with a guy who is in his mid 30s and he said he’s never gone bareback with anyone ever despite having sex since he was a teen. My mind is blown and now I’m obsessed with trying to convince him to try condomless sex with me (I’m on hormonal birth control) but understandably he seems apprehensive about it because it’s what he’s used to and done all his life.

    But my god I just really want to see and hear his reaction if we do have sex without a condom. I want to take his raw dogging virginity hahaha.

  24. It does feel different but imo peace of mind feels 100000% better lol. I’ve got the same fear as you, and going bare always made me feel sick even though on I’m on bc. I just can’t reconcile having an abortion/adoption/non involved father over an hour of fun…

  25. From a female perspective, it feels MUCH better without a condom. Condoms cause microtears in the vagina

  26. As a man. Raw feels so much better that I could cry. The warmth, the texture, the wetness, everything is amazing.

  27. Of course. Some guys for from 5 min to 5 second. I did, then got used to it. Now have more control than before but can’t really go back to condom use, it’s just no good anymore.

  28. OMG yes! My ex had her tubes tied, we never used condoms, it was amazing! Plus the ability to just go for it whenever.

    Condoms remove the ability of the foreskin to move with the motion. It essentially just turns the dick into a warm dildo. The movement feels so much better raw. (Atleast for my un-cut dick)

    This is one part of getting back out into dating that i’m dreading…sex is just so much better raw…but safety first…😔😔

  29. I can speak to if it does, but I can say do NOT risk your sexual health for guys that are going to bitch and complain about using a condom. Whether it feels better or not. That’s not more important than the impact of an unwanted pregnancy or STD. Birth control or not, you can still catch diseases way more easily without one. Whether it feels good to someone shouldn’t take priority over your health.

  30. Women here. It’s been several year since I was on bc and was “raw dogging” it with partners who aren’t onses but a good chunk of my sexually active years were that way, and in comparison I haven’t had PIV or PIA without a condom on for the past few years.

    To me it doesn’t feel all that different? Like maybe the initial insertion felt a little different but one tbh I don’t remember anything else feeling especially better (or worse) for me either way. Usually I’m pretty wet before we start, so likely that contributes to concealing any textural differences that I might have felt otherwise (and the condoms we use are lubed anyway as most condoms are). After the first round or so, It usually feels much tighter for the second or third go bc at that point I already have had several orgasms, so regardless of how much natural or artificial lubricant there is, then I do feel more texture -which I like- but it’s not an irritating feeling with a condom on, and I don’t remember it feeling too differently back at my raw dogging days lol.

    I think some women might actually be allergic -even just mildly- to latex or whatever lube there usually is on most condoms (likely there is other substances like spermicides in small amounts in there even if it’s not advertised) but maybe unaware of it, just judging by the descriptions of discomfort i see here and there. In terms of what gets them more turned on, and thus is more pleasurable, ofc to each their on. surely that is the case with some people who prefer to be penetrated barrier-free. Like if trying non-latex condoms or lube-free condoms, (or trying lube but a different kind or brand than whatever you usually do etc.) doesn’t at least get help get rid of the irritation and such, then yea likely it’s not an allergy or sth like that.

    I also disagree about condoms killing spontaneity tbh. If knowing or expecting that you’re having sex at a certain time (going on a date etc.) doesn’t kill it for you, I find it hard to comprehend how come grabbing a condom and putting it on -which takes maybe two seconds if you keep condoms in a convenient location- would make the whole experiences less passionate. It can even be incorporated into the the sex itself (or foreplay if you use that term form everything that isn’t PIV or PIA), like putting it on with your mouth -or just hands- after giving head, or if you do D/s stuff, even just going and grabbing a condom might be incorporated into a teasing/chasing kinda dynamic, or like having the condom there next to the bed but having to deserve to get fucked/or fuck with it on by doing a certain act (mutually consented for obv) or sth. and during lovey dovey streamy romantic sex (not that i find this the opposite of kinky sex, both vanilla and kinky play can be lovey dovy or rough), if that crushes the entire romantic setting for you, tbh that setting sounds a little too fragile idk.

    obviously the way it feels for the person with the penis is likely different but if i dare attempt to compare it to receiving clitoral stimulation with a dental dam or thin latex underwear/costume, i’d say it doesn’t take away from the overall pleasure per se -as long as everything’s lubricated naturally or artificially-. like i can see how the initial build up is probably slower but im under the impression that men tend to seek that affect bc likely their partner need longer and steadier stimulation to orgasm with indirect clitoral stimulation (which is essentially what a “vaginal” orgasm is btw), so it always sounded to me like a win-win idk.

    my current partners have very specific preferences with condoms -so we practically use the same brand, and the two varieties of it all the time- and they don’t report lacking in the pleasure department with the condom that they know is the most comfortable to them. and im happy too bc even with no pregnancy scare (or the possibility of stis and stds -which is never zero obv but surely condoms help-, cum has always really irritated my vaginal flora, practically immediately, making it much harder or less pleasurable for me to go at it multiple times like i want to, or just leave me feeling kinda irritated and dry all day afterwards.

    we still get skin to skin contact with each others genitalia during oral and handjobs, plus rubbing against and grinding each other when fooling around, so i don’t particularly think that’s in a deficit either.

    but then again, pleasure is very personal, so ti each their own. likely what i experience with cum irritating my flora is fairy close to what someone who might be allergic or sensitive to latex or a certain other material in or on the condoms. so i think i can imagine how frustrating that must be.

    As for the condom wearer, it’s best to try different kinds (latex, polyisoprene, or lamb skin), different sizes, and different thicknesses to see if any of that is decreasing your please. People already commented on condom sizes as far as I could see.a Also dropping a few drips of lube inside the condom if that particular variety isn’t lubricated inside out make make a great difference in how it feels. Also it’s probably worth just generally trying to be careful to avoid anything with a numbing agent in it (like in delaying products etc.).

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