I’ve dated quite a few women that have been great people but for one reason or another it just doesn’t click for me. I feel like I’m overthinking but I also know that I need to feel a connection to be in something with someone. I dated someone for 8 months and ended it because of that reason, I just didn’t feel like she was the right fit for me. I’m not trying to look for better but someone who is on my same wavelength. I’m talking to one girl now and she’s nice and we get along but I worry about a lot of things that I feel are superficial. She sells stuff online and her place is pretty much floor to ceiling of boxes of stuff. I guess I’m overthinking about that, and how if we were to date how much it would get to me.

I’ve done this with other women, one lived too far and honestly was a bit boring and I just felt like I’d get really bored, I already was getting bored with her. Another woman was great but once again she bored me and she was a workaholic and we had very different views on certain political stuff, I actually told her early on I wasn’t interested but she persued me for the longest time.

I know part of it is me, I dread the dating thing, it gives me so much anxiety, especially when so many women expect me to make all the plans. Im terrible at planning dates too, I don’t want to just go eat or drink. I don’t know any events going on, I really have lost touch with any sort of thing going on in this city. Plus I’ve become pretty anxious in big groups. Ive been told by women they were interested in me but they didn’t feel like I was interested in them which turned them off. I apparently come off too friendly and don’t make a move. I’m honestly nervous to make a move unless I’m sure that’s what they want.

Maybe I just need to stop dating? I don’t really know how else to meet people since I don’t really get out much nowadays. All my friends are busy with their families and my roommate works the opposite schedule of me so we can never do stuff and going out alone can be depressing especially when people are so standoffish nowadays.

I’m also sick of dating apps too, I’ll talk to someone and they’ll seem interested and be the one to bring up going out and then drop off the face of the earth, not that it bothers me much since I haven’t even met them but it’s just exhausting to waste any time on it.

  1. Dating is just like a job interview. Its exhausting and I dont have it in me to interview anymore lol. You mentioned in your post that you found them boring. Define what your idea of boring is?

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