It’s a minor thing for the most part, but I swear my wife turns on every light whenever she is doing something. If she goes from the living room to the bedroom, the kitchen, stairwell, hallway, and bathroom lights all seem to end up on. Regardless of time of day.

I’ve asked her and she’ll tells me it’s because she is doing stuff around the house. Yes, but the sun is up and there is lots of natural light. Why do you need more?

Again, minor thing. A fairly humorous long-term argument between us. Just wondering if this is common in other households.

  1. Are you really that concerned about the extra few pennies worth of energy you are using? This seems like one of those things you just let go. If it bothers you that much, get some smart bulbs and turn them out yourself remotely lol

  2. It took more energy to write this than to just get over it and move on. Let her do her thing…. Minor right now sure, but this minor issue along with every other non issue that is a minor issue with you will become a major issue for her eventually.

  3. Lol. I do it constantly. My husband doesn’t say a thing unless we’re leaving the house. Then we go through and shut everything off.

  4. My ex did this, it drove me crazy especially because he would leave them on all the time. Iw was constantly turning them off as I walked through the house.

  5. I am the light-queen in my home. I’ll preface this with – I wear glasses outside the house but not when I’m at home, so my vision is a little impaired. I also have some sensory sensitivity quirks, and this desire for a uniformly-lit environment feels tied to that.

    Basically if I’m puttering around at home and there’s a big contrast between a well-lit space and a more shadowy area, it feels….distracting? Or disorienting? So I go ahead and flip on all the lights throughout the main area so that the light level is the same no matter where I move to, it’s like eliminating one piece of mental “background noise”

  6. That would be my husband. I do not like overhead lights except in the kitchen and bath. And he turns them all on.

  7. I told my husband when we moved in together that I refuse to squint in my own home. So there will be light.

    (We use those light bulbs that saves on power and last a long time.)

  8. I do it a lot. It reminds me I’m not finished in the room. I come back and switch it off when I’m thoroughly through!

  9. I leave cabinets open and lights on. My wife leaves all her shit open all over the bathroom sink and clothes next to the laundry basket.

    Instead of fighting over it, we try to think, “My wife must have been here, I am so lucky to have her in my life.”

    It doesn’t always work, but finding the evidence of my wife around the house reminds me to stay grateful and aware that my wife also finds evidence of me around the house.

  10. My wife’s spouse does, too. We’re long past arguing about it. I turn lights on, she turns lights off.

  11. I literally just got reminded this morning that I keep forgetting to turn lights off lol.

    I honestly don’t get mad when my husband reminds me. He pays all the bills, so I can understand the frustration.
    Everything is so damn expensive these days!!

    Just be honest with your partner.

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