Throwaway, because you never know.

I’ve (26F) been texting with this guy (30M), who’s a friend of a friend, for two months. We had gone out in a group setting two weeks into us talking and then coincidentally I was traveling to two different places for work for the next three weeks after that. We’re still texting consistently and having long conversations over text while I’m on my first trip and before I leave for my second one I tell him “we should go out for drinks when I’m back from my upcoming trip” and he agrees. So, a week later we go on our date. I thought it went really well, we even went to a second place on the date so we could stay out longer despite both of us working early the next day. At the end he walks me back to my car and kisses me and while he’s kissing me he says “we should do this again” obviously I agree.

Fast forward to four days later, we’re still texting every day. I tell him that I’ll be in his area the next day because I was helping a friend out around noon if he wanted to meet up afterwards. He tells me that he wishes he could but he can’t because he already promised to help out a family member. Not a big deal on my end so I’m like “ok, you’ll have to let me know when you’re free!” And we were having a separate conversation than that at the same time so he later responded to what we were talking about with no mention of letting me know when he’d be free…

It’s now been a week since our first date and I’m not sure what to do. I still want to go on a second date and we’re still talking every day, so I’m not sure what’s going on if anyone has any advice!

  1. There was a similar post before
    If a guy isn’t showing any effort or intention of arranging another date it speaks volumes.
    I’d personally move on

  2. he is just luke-warm about you. advice is to begin to fade away and see if he pursues.

  3. I didn’t ask my last LTR out on the second date for about 3-4 weeks after our first great date. We ended up being together for 5 years.

  4. I don’t get it sometimes. Had a very similar situation a while back. After me asking a guy out on the first date -which was great, and he referenced other dates, I texted him next morning saying ‘can’t wait to see you again’ to which he replied ‘I had a great time too’ 🤔
    He texted a week later but no attempt to make plans.
    That said, I’m not trying to do all the work. I think low effort = low interest. That’s fine, just wish people were more upfront 🤷‍♀️

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