Leaving from JFK. I’m looking for somewhere to spend a weekend in April. Was going to do Miami but tickets are around 450-600$. I was hoping to find somewhere for around 200. Any suggestions would help. Thank you

  1. Why JFK specifically? Have you searched for flights out of La Guardia? There are usually cheaper regional flights from that airport.

  2. Google Flights [has an explore option](https://www.google.com/travel/explore?tfs=CBwQAxopag0IAxIJL20vMDJfMjg2EgoyMDIzLTA0LTA2cgwIBBIIL20vMDJqNzEaKWoMCAQSCC9tLzAyajcxEgoyMDIzLTA0LTA5cg0IAxIJL20vMDJfMjg2cAGCAQsI____________AUABSAGYAQGyAQQYASAB&tfu=GiwaKAoSCXau4f4u4kRAEQvcb3CWpVDAEhIJjNYwTuBdO0ARC9xvcE7IV8AgAw). You can just enter your dates and use a map to pick where you want to go. Set your price limit, set your # of stops.

    Atlanta, Nashville, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Asheville, Charlotte, Dirty Myrtle, Louisville, Raleigh, Toronto, Des Moines…and many other places are under $200 for a nonstop Thu-Sat trip out of NY.

  3. Chicago, New York, Detroit and it’s all on the same street
    Your typical city involved in a typical daydream.

  4. Here are some warm weather destinations in April you can fly to: Fort Myers, Tampa, Sarasota (Tampa metro area), Houston (Galveston is a beach city that is only a 1 hour car ride from Houston), Orlando, New Orleans, Melbourne (Florida), Pensacola, West Palm Beach (Miami metro area), Fort Lauderdale (Miami metro area), and Jacksonville.

    I would recommend using Google Flights to find cheap flights. Just put in New York (the city in general) in the destination, put in the dates that work for you, and then click on the “Explore” button to see a map of destinations and their prices.

  5. I go to my parents second home in Florida for like $175 RT. But then adding my dog makes it not so cheap.

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