What’s your happiest memory from a relationship that didn’t work out?

  1. Him running me a bath and loading my dabs without me asking on particularly bad days.

    He may have broken my jaw, but he sure tried to be sweet to me when he wanted to.

  2. Going to prom with my high school boyfriend. He decided to wear the most beautiful dress which is something he had been wanting to do for a few years. I’m glad I could be part of that experience for him. He was so happy.

  3. Going out to eat, that’s when we talk about things. World news, what his family doing, what his goals are etcetc. Even at that point its very minimal, he had no friends or do things that broadens his world view.

  4. Idk if it’s my happiest, but it’s up there! Survivor nights. He wasn’t a fan but he got into it because I loved it and he made it a “thing.” He’d call me during my lunch so he could organize takeout, and we’d cozy up with food and wine and indulge in some of the finest ~reality~ tv.

  5. Dated a couple friends (seperately) in high school (we’re all still friends). One of them really loved snowboarding so we’d go up to one of the ski hills every so often. I couldn’t afford to go as often as he did because he owned his own board (I had to rent my skis, which is pretty expensive, on top of the pass). I remember racing down the hills and dancing (a little) as we went. Can’t tell you how many times I got wind burn from our trips. Plus, the fries they sold in the lodge were *absolutely delicious*.

    For reference, we live in Canada.

  6. he would always compliment me and made sure i knew i was beautiful and didn’t need to change (this impacted me a lot since im very insecure about my looks)

  7. You guys have such normal good friend vibe ones.

    I just have one out of my dozen of relationships and it was just really hot sex to a super sexy song that I had been listening to before we met and always fantasized getting fucked to. And he just read my mind. It was sooooo nice.

  8. All memories except for us breaking up was wonderful but the memory that meant the most was when we were both butt ass naked and he asked me if I wanted to continue after hearing I was SA’ed in the relationship before. He was always respectful and considerate of my body and time. If I could go back knowing how things ended I would 100% do it again

  9. When he washed my hair me because I can’t get my eyebrows or my ears wet from microblading and piercing. He was so gentle and understanding.

  10. When we would just have “date nights” that would involve a drive through the woods, a bonfire, a couple beers, and Taco Bell lol

  11. Watching anime on his laptop and falling asleep together almost every night. Such a simple thing but it was one of the only times I felt not alone back then and I really did care a lot.

  12. Maybe one month into dating, he accompanied me to my grandparents 50th anniversary party.

  13. Spending Valentine’s Day weekend two decades ago snowed in at a tiny log cabin in the mountains— there was literally no reason to leave the fireside for almost three days

  14. I helped him realize that the path to success is not singular and forcing himself into a career that sounds prestigious but would be extremely difficult for him is not the answer. He pivoted, went to school for something he loves and as far as I know built a great life doing something he loves.

  15. We took the train into Manhattan one summer night, got a caricature drawing done of the two of us in Times Square, spent time at a very intimate hookah bar, and got lost together just walking around mostly empty city streets,
    stopping to kiss every few blocks. I’ve never felt so alive and in love (lust, maybe.. probably both I think). I fell asleep in his lap on the train on the way back home. The entire night had a romantic haze I will never forget.

  16. Our only good Valentine’s Day together, I came home from work/school to see he had gotten me some plushies from the dollar store. He also got me a thing of nacho cheese dip and chocolates. I think a bouquet of flowers too.

    That relationship turned violent and he SA’d me many times. He ended up stalking me and I’ve got a restraining order against him now. The rest of our Valentine’s Days either consisted of him screaming at me or me bleeding out after taking emergency contraception because he SA’d me. But that first Valentine’s Day together was nice.

    A nice memory from a much shorter but nicer relationship was visiting his parents in Mesa, Colorado. Their house was really remote in the mountains. His parents were Norwegian and really nice. I think they could tell this relationship wasn’t going to work but they were so kind to me that whole week. I look back on that visit now and really hope I can find a partner who I’m compatible with who has a similar family. They were just so kind to me.

  17. My birthday was right before our country went into total lockdown for the pandemic. He took me and a couple of my friends to his beach house in another city and we enjoyed the outdoors one last time. It’s such a contrast to the memories of the next year after that

  18. Laying down in a sofa, in the complete darkness, listening to the most beautiful song while hugging. He’s the most at home I’ve ever felt, even though we’re from complete different continents.

  19. The first time we met, he kept staring into my eyes. There was love in his eyes only that one time. I will never forget that:)

  20. When we cuddled I just felt so peaceful. I rarely have relationship memories that are just nice and peaceful.

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