Basically what the title says, upon coming to the conclusion that there was nothing I could do to get that “wow” reaction from him I point blank asked what he would consider hot and he said he couldn’t think of a single thing.

We’ve been together for 3 years and lived together for over a year with two dogs. In general his libido has always been way less than mine, but he always manages to meet my needs for the most part. But because of this we only really ever have sex when he wants to or is in the mood because I’m almost always in the mood. I’ve wanted to figure out how to get him in the mood whenever I’m really in the mood because otherwise it gets a bit frustrating.

I’ve tried everything, from lingerie, to just walking in nude, to flashing him, and anything else I could think of. A couple times I thought the lingerie worked because he seemed to go from a ramdom task to in the mood when he saw me, only to find out that he was already in the mood and I had “read his mind.” Otherwise lingerie gets the same reaction as wearing a nice dress… “You look cute.” He’s also outright told me he’s not a fan of me wearing anything other than natural makeup, but he’s fine with it if it makes me happy.

I was getting fed up and finally asked him the other night before bed after an already frustrating day, “is there anything I do that you look at me and think…’damn that’s not’?” And he said “Not really. Nothing I can think of at least.” I even went down the list of things I’d tried and even things I hadn’t like if he had any scenarios he thought were fun. He seemed completely disinterested.

I don’t want to sound vain here but I’ve been told my whole life how beautiful I am, even from random strangers. I try to manage my appearance in a way I like, and am usually very put together. I love fashion and always try to be ahead of the trends. I am very confident in my own appearance for myself, but honestly hearing this from him made a slight crack in that confidence.

I love him with all my being. He’s the man I intend to marry and spend the rest of my life with. The rest of our relationship is perfect and I’m really happy otherwise. But sex is really important to me and feeling like its only ever when he wants to do things is disheartening. Basically my question is, am I the problem? Is there something I’m doing or saying that’s wrong? Is this something I should just expect to live with because it’s not really either our faults? Or is there something I could do or say to him?

TL;DR My 3 year bf only wants to have sex when he’s in the mood and said there was nothing I do that he thinks is hot, or anything I can do to turn him on when he’s not in the mood.

I followed some of your advice and had a serious sit down conversation with him. It was a bit of miscommunication on both ends. He thought I meant one specific thing that is always 100% going to get him in the mood, and I meant if he thinks I’m hot in general. He also just never verbally told me how attractive and how much he liked the lingerie, but has some sets that he’s more of a fan of than others. But he wants to try to be more verbal about his appreciation of me so I don’t overthink. Ty for all the advice.

  1. ” He’s the man I intend to marry and spend the rest of my life with.”

    I would seriously reconsider that statement.

    You cannot change how someone looks at you the way they do. And you already tried everything you could.

    It is more than likely he will never view you as “beautiful” or”hot”

    Not to mention the struggle to even have intimacy in this relationship.

    I would not want to marry someone that does not want me and only uses me for the relationship.

  2. Hey guys just reaching out for some reason even tho I can see how many comments I have, I can’t actually view any of them and says my comments are empty. I’m still reading through everything but I just can’t respond except in DMs

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