My bf (29, m) and I (29, f) got into an argument that started over where to put the pet food bowls. He knows I keep the cat bowls in a certain spot so the dog can’t get it. He moved it to a spot completely in the open where the dog could eat it. He was downstairs and I walked into the room and saw the dog finishing the cat food so I moved the bowl back where I normally put it so the dog couldn’t get it.

Tonight, he realized I put the bowl back and did not believe me when I told him I moved it back because the dog is eating it. He told me he doesn’t believe me and that he thinks I’m just saying that to get my way because everything always has to be my way.

I often feel like he says things about me always needing to get my way when he’s actually the one not getting his way. He doesn’t like that I disagree with what he says or wants even if I have a reason and he doesn’t. I told him that he’s actually being hypocritical and doing the same exact thing to me but in addition to that, he is also accusing me of lying in order to manipulate things in my favor which is a pretty heavy accusation to me and something I have never accused him of.

I told him he’s doing the same thing that happens to me at work where I get told I’m lying or don’t know what I’m talking about (he knows I’ve been having a problem having my professional judgment taken seriously at work). I told him he’s dismissing me the same way. This offended him and he just started talking over me repeating the same thing over and over again something along the lines of “wow I guess im just the SAME as those people. Great to hear it.”

I sarcastically told him im glad all he could do in response to me telling him how he was making me feel was to search for something to be offended by so he could try to twist himself into being a victim. I told him he’s doing what he always does when he doesn’t like what I’m saying and repeating the same nonsense over and over so he doesn’t have to give me room to talk. I doubt he heard me because he kept repeating his little statement over and over again until I walked away.

Anyways I’m putting this here because I feel gaslit at this point. It’s becoming a clear pattern where I clearly say “I’m offended by something you just said here’s why” and him trying to manipulate a way where he could be offended by something I did or said so he doesn’t have to take accountability for himself. I don’t know what to do because he doesn’t hear it and just tries to talk over me when I finally get a word in. He sometimes recognizes after the fact that he was wrong but honestly, not often enough and rarely without my prompting. His apologies for this behavior is even less frequent and the behavior seems to be increasing in frequency.

I’m sure he wants to let this blow over and act like nothing happened but this is starting to really get to me. I can’t be made to feel this way at work and now at home being called a liar when I’m not. I feel like he’s accusing me of being manipulative and having ulterior motivations when I don’t? And nothing I say matters. I don’t know how to get through to him how serious this is to me.

TLDR; bf called me a liar for saying i moved the cat bowls because I saw the dog eating out of it claiming I just want to get my way. Continuously feeling accused of things I don’t do and invalidated when I try to tell him.

  1. “Tonight, he realized I put the bowl back and did not believe me when I told him I moved it back because the dog is eating it. He told me he doesn’t believe me and that he thinks I’m just saying that to get my way because everything always has to be my way.”

    That is indeed a very mean thing to say. You just want to do good for the pets and he accused you of power struggle. This sounds exhausting to deal with 24/7.

    “I told him he’s doing the same thing that happens to me at work where I get told I’m lying ”

    He is literally telling you that. What does he have to be upset about?

    He lives with you? It does not sound healthy to live in this kind of tension 24/7. Your parent live close to your work?

    Could you find different work? It can help to make you feel stronger.

  2. Why do you have to provide a justification for where you put the pets’ bowls in the first place?

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