My partner wants me to I guess bully her during sex. And instead of the usual “slut” “whore” style comments, she wants me to call her “douche” and “idiot”

  1. Thats for you and the degradee to decide. That limit will be different for everyone – and if you’re not comfortable with it you don’t have to do it.

  2. I think that’s a question only you and she could answer because it’s different for everyone. I’d have a hard time doing that because it would feel so disingenuous but I know some people can let go of reality and get caught up in the play more.

  3. This is obviously very subjective, but I don’t see how calling her an idiot is worse than calling them a slut or whore but, of course, your mileage may vary.

    Bottom line, you’re allowed to draw your limits of comfort. We should all strive to be open minded to what our partners enjoy, but not if it makes us feel deeply uncomfortable to do so.

  4. ngl, my fiancée likes the degradation dirty talk too, but “idiot” is a little too weird for us I think. Very not sexy too, tbh.

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