I (35M) met a wonderful woman (40F) on IG last May when I randomly followed her meme page and within a couple of weeks we were talking every day, mostly IG voice memos or phone calls. We met for the first time in November when she flew here, then we’ve met up three times since – the most recent being 5 days with her 2/16-2/21. While the first few trips were great and we did a ton of cool shit, going from strictly online to in person is quite jarring in the beginning – but each trip felt more natural. The most recent trip concluded on Tuesday, but before leaving we had a great conversation that reaffirmed our feelings for each other and an optimistic outlook on the future.

The 4 1/2 days since that conversation have been unlike any other stretch since we started talking 8 months ago. To preface, she recently stopped hormone treatment and hasn’t been able to overcome a constant state of exhaustion. That’s been happening for a couple of weeks and held true face to face, and hasn’t improved since returning home. My concern is the complete drop off in communication the last few days. We messaged/voice messaged/called each other off and on all day, every day since May, and even on days we didn’t communicate much we’d still send memes, articles, or pictures to each other. I’ve been initiating most of the communication, but for the first time in our relationship, it’s been nearly impossible keep the conversation going. On top of that, we spoke on the phone last night and I explained my frustrations and she reassured me that things between us are great and our relationship isn’t negatively contributing to her mental struggles last week.

Today we spoke briefly in the morning and I asked her to hmu this afternoon to book a flight to me, which as of last night she was excited for, but it’s 4 pm and I haven’t heard a thing. The last communication was from me an hour ago asking if this might be more than a hormonal imbalance, like a depressive episode. It’s frustrating because I am trying to be understanding and patient, but the only thing I asked of her all weekend was to book a flight – which she said last night would be done today….guess not.

I’ve never been in a relationship that was legitimately euphoric on a Tuesday and potentially on the brink of collapse by Saturday, from my perspective at least. Maybe she’s legitimately depressed, maybe I’m overreacting, but I’ve never witnessed such a dramatic shift in someone’s behavior within a span of 5 days.

Really have no grasp on the situation but I’d much rather she end things than slowly push me away. There is also a chance she’s just having the worst week ever and I am blowing this completely out of proportion. Either way, this is not fun.

1 comment
  1. Stop your communications to her and wait for her to contact you. Give her some breathing room.

    Sounds like you are being a little needy from the post so give her some space.

    See what happens next. If you don’t hear from her for a few days you have your answer.

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