I’ve been single for 8 months now. After a tough breakup I’m ready to start getting out there more and meeting new people
I joined tinder, hinge and bumble. Been talking to a few people that I feel I have good vibes with and we’ve arranged dates
One guy- been messaging for 2 days. Both flirting back and forth, and just seemed like we were getting along. He suggested that we meet up yesterday and said he was finished work at 4. He said we could “plan something cute” I was expecting him to message me after work but he has just ghosted me now.

I was messaging someone else on Tuesday, lives locally, have a lot in common etc. He asked me would I like to meet up this week and I said Thursday (today) he said that’s great, we will go for a drink on Thursday. But I haven’t heard from him yet

I don’t want to message either to initiate the dates because I don’t want to come across desperate.

Why do people do this? I hate anticipating and planning in my head that I’m meeting up with someone that day and hearing nothing. Not cool 🫠

  1. It’s not coming across desperate to finalize plans. Y’all didn’t pick a place or time to meet. Just ask. If they still don’t answer then ✌️

  2. This is just weird, he asked you out on the date, so it’s not desperate to message him today and say “hey are we still meeting tonight?”

    And it’s not ghosting if he talked to you two days ago and you aren’t bothering to message him now to see if he even replies, that’s not what ghosting means

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