When changing houses or moving to another places, why don’t Americans take the all things with them? I mean furniture and stuff like that. When we, south Asians move from one house to another, we take all. Also how come you get an apartment with all the things ready like refrigerator, furniture? Do you have to pay extra for those everytime you change house?

  1. Yeah, you’re begging the question. We do take our stuff with us. Rentals will come with appliances, those come with the place and aren’t always worth moving. They don’t come with furniture.

  2. We do my dude. Moved from Texas to NC. The only things we didn’t take along were things that were broken or things we couldn’t unscrew from the house. We did gave a dryer away to a friend, but it was because the place we were moving already had a better one the added in as a bonus.

  3. We do take everything we own. In apartments, you often don’t own the appliances, the landlord does. Sometimes they are furnished as well. This makes it easier for students and younger people to move in who do not have the money to buy everything, and the landlord charges a bit extra.

  4. Some houses just come with the extra stuff. And moving furniture can be a real hassle and cost a lot of money, so some people just… don’t. Or at least only take the important things.

    But a lot of the time, people do take all their stuff.

  5. What piece of media have you watched that makes you think we don’t take everything with us?

    We do pack up everything when we move. In fact, right now I’m packing up everything I own to move across the country to Austin Texas. What a headache.

  6. We take most things if they fit. I moved into a house a few years ago and brought almost all my furniture. That’s what moving companies do – move furnitures and belongings and such.

    Big appliances (fridge, oven, etc) often come with the apartment or house so it’s more rare to move those.

  7. Varies per location tbh. I’ve looked at numerous houses (as I’m in the market) most of them in my area cone with at bare minimum the fridge, washer, dryer, and dishwasher, they normally take all the furniture bc most people don’t want used couches and whatnot. Appliances though it’s random af.

  8. Who says people don’t? Also people might not take it all with them because it’s cheaper for them to buy new and sell their old stuff than transport everything and getting it set up. Also fridge and stuff like that is included and places with washing/dryer are not, but are leased through a 3rd party and not a huge expense added

  9. The appliances are often included I a rental, so taking them would be theft.

    I bought a home and the previous owner left the stove and refrigerator as they didn’t need them. The stove was garbage and I replaced it as soon as I could (I was moving from a rental so did not own one). The fridge is ok but I plan to replace it eventually and I’ll put the old one in the basement as an extra.

    People DO often leave junk in a rental though. The house just found from me had a ton of stuff left. A couple weeks after the people moved out, the landlord was there and piled a bunch of garbage on the curb for trash pickup. The reason the people didn’t take it was that it was broken stuff they didn’t want, and they were mad that they’d been evicted so they just left it.

  10. Say what? The only time you would leave appliances that you own are if you plan on replacing them anyway.

    In most apartments, appliances like dishwashers, refrigerators, and sometimes washers and dryers are usually provided by the landlord, so you leave those because you don’t own them.

  11. I don’t take the refrigerator and stove because those belong to the building I’m renting from.

    Other than that, I *do* take all my stuff with me.

  12. Usually people take everything with them.

    Appliances may be included with the sale of a home, they might not be but usually it is easier to leave things like stoves and fridges when they are built in to the space. Often when someone is moving into a new place they have appliances already there from the original owner so they don’t need the ones they have from their previous place.

  13. I’m not sure where you got the idea that we don’t take our things with us. We do. I’ve moved some things a dozen times.

  14. I took everything with me ea h time I moved.

    Because one thing exists does not mean another cannot.

  15. People do take stuff but some people like to downsize and get rid of stuff they don’t want to drag with them, hence why you might see moving sales.

    Some places might already be furnished as well.

  16. Normally when moving, people will move all their furniture as well. We don’t move appliances such as refrigerators, ovens, washing machines because they are difficult to set up and move. Also, your old appliances may not fit the designated spaces in your new house/apartment/condo.

    However, it is not unheard of to rent places that are already furnished. Some people might not be renting for only a few months. Or they might be coming from a situation where they literally have no furniture, ie divorce, college student.

    In movies and TV, renting furnished apartments are more common than real life because moving furniture is boring.

  17. Built in shelving is not furniture.

    I think tenancy laws require access to a kitchen to prepare food. At minimum a shared kitchen. Along with a toilet and bathing.

  18. Some people leave crap they don’t want to deal with.

    Often many appliances are included in the sale.

  19. lol you already got your answer. But I will say that I lived near a nice university temporarily that has a lot of wealthy Asian students (like came to the US for school). The week after exams I would always see a ton of nice things just left next to the dumpsters. I snagged a desktop computer and a few keuregs that I gave to some friends because of it.

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