Hey guys,
Met this girl over tinder, we talked a decent amount. She was real interested and I was too. She begged me to come over to her place that night. I got there and we cuddled and it eventually lead to us having sex that night. After we got done, she sent me off for food and then wouldn’t let me back in her apartment. The next morning she got in touch with me and told me she has trust issues because her previous BF basically abused her and she’s going through therapy, and also as some degree of autism. I felt terrible and she did too. She told me to come over that night. We did the same thing as the first night. This time I told her I was upset she kicked me out and she apologized and told me she wanted to be with me and “just needed space”. We talked about out lives and fell asleep together. Before I left I told her I want to see her soon again, and she agreed saying she wants me and doesn’t want to be alone. Next day, she leaves me on read after asking her how it’s going and won’t talk to me now. It’s been a week. What should I do?

TL;DR girl wants to be with me, we had sex and now she won’t talk. Says she needs space. Going through stuff

Thanks guys <3

  1. You should leave her alone until and unless she contacts you first. This sounds like a bit too much drama anyway.

  2. Booty call with baggage, move on, she’s not looking for anything more. Her issues are not your concern, You’re just a warm body

  3. Sorry to break it to you my guy, this girl doesn’t want to be with you, you had sex, she got what she wanted and she’s moved on. For your own sake I’d suggest you cut contact and do the same.

  4. She’s unstable. The ball’s in her court. If she gets back to you before you’re a senior citizen, get on over there.

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