What’s the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy close relationship to your father?

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  1. Healthy : you trust him to guide you when you need advice with a problem you’d like to solve on your own and he wouldn’t make you feel uncomfortable by asking every single detail about this problem (as long as it’s not an emergency problem or a any legal problem thst would push any parent to worry and wish to know what exactly happened with you)

    Unhealthy: you count on him to do everything for you or him being involved in every single aspect of your life including your private life with it’s tiny details.( ofc parents like to be involved in your life to some extent just enough to know you’re not being abused or manipulated in something shady.

    Example: if you’re in a relationship, it’s okay for him to know your partner and meet them and know what they’re doing in life, fathers have a really good eye for details we usually miss especially if we’re in love.

    It’s not okay for fathers to DEMAND they know every single detail of your relationship. Sure, they may ask “what have you been up to nowadays?” but if he starts asking details that make you really uncomfortable without any point, it might be a red flag.

    I’d still insist a father may ask questions that you’d deem uncomfortable if they’re worried and it may be healthy as it’s coming out of a genuine concern, I guess the frequency with which they demand all those details and the pattern of questions is the determinant of the boarder between healthy/unhealthy

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