Hello, not a native english speaker so forget the mistakes.My boyfriend (28m) and I (22f) have been together for 7 months now, met him a year ago, and we\`re great for each other.Before meeting each other for the first time, i was going out with another guy (who will be called Guy from now on), it was a toxic (from both sides) no strings attached kind of deal and it made me almost go insane from the hurt. This dude and I remained friends but see each other rarely since we are in the same large group of friends. That\`s not the point tho I guess.Point is, i saw Guy less and less the more i met up with my now current boyfriend.I was scared of being alone, even though i wasn\`ŧ being loved by Guy anyway, but it still made me unable to decide what do even though i felt like shit while seeing both of them at the same time. After 3 almost 4 months i decided to cut things off with Guy and commit to current boyfriend even though at the time I didn\`t know he would even stay. Right after this event, the Universe seemed to deem me worthy and current boyfriend decided to ask me to make it official, to wich i agreed happily.Now onto the problem; the other day I let it slip that I saw guy while also going out with boyfriend (before getting together, obviously). But it wasn\`t a whole truth, and i told him I met with guy only in the first two months, while it was for 3 almost 4, even though it wasn\`ŧ frequent at all.He even told me after that he doesn\`ŧ need to forgive me or anything for it but he would have felt a bit hurt if it had gone on for more.I want to stress that I never thought of going back, never thought of cheating on him, never even flirted with anyone after we got together.i just got scared and wasn\`ŧ completely honest.

What should I do? Is it not a big deal and I should move on, or tell him?

EDIT: timeline to make myself more clear

sept. 2020: met guy
feb. 2021: met boyfriend
may\\june 2021: dumbed guy and chose boyfriend
june 2021: got together with boyfriend

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