Im indian and we dont have sex scenes in our movies.
But i watch a lot of Hollywood movies and see most of them have nude / sex scenes .
So i wonder how do you guys react when it comes up while watching a movie with your family in a theatre or in your homes.
Does it feel cringey or do you just glance over it as normal ?
I cant imagine watching such scenes with my family.

  1. >But i watch a lot of Hollywood movies and see most of them have nude / sex scenes .

    That’s not quite true. You’re accidentally suggesting that you look for Hollywood movies with nude scenes.

    I don’t tend to watch the kinds of movies that have scenes like that with my parents. When I do see them with family, I don’t really look at…anything. Just watch the movie, or otherwise like…look at a random object? It’s not a big deal unless someone makes it a big deal.

  2. I’ll just note that movies come with ratings. If I see a movie rated R for nudity and sexual content, I’m not going to see it with my mother.

  3. we had a substitute teacher once in high school who showed a movie to the class with a sex scene, but her plan was to censor the sex scene so we wouldn’t see it. she ended up holding a poster over the white board where the movie was being projected, but that’s obviously not how projectors work. so what happened was the sex scene was projected on top of her & the poster she was holding. it’s still one of the funniest things I’ve ever experienced in life.

    so yeah, sometimes it’s awkward. sometimes it’s not. depends on the context.

  4. It’s not like most movies are showing full frontal nudity

    Most of the time it what, you see legs/feet hanging off the bed or the bed moving? might see a woman’s lower back or naked male chest

  5. We have rating systems which tell us beforehand if there’s nude content we won’t watch those type of movies with our family

  6. I’ve seen Indian movies, and they definitely have scenes as explicit as any PG13 American movie.

  7. I can’t speak for everyone, but there are plenty of Americans (usually Christian) who do not watch movies like that. So many movies include that now, that most (serious) Christians I know basically don’t watch movies any more at all because it is nearly impossible to avoid. But thank you for letting me know about Indian movies being better; I might have to check that out.

  8. I personally am kinda annoyed by sex scenes unless they are short and are specifically related to the plot. I find them very boring and uncomfortable to watch, and I normally just skip through them.

    Then again, I also realize that as an asexual, these scenes are probably not designed with me in mind, and there are probably a lot of people who do enjoy what in my mind would be pointless sex scenes.

    Luckily, ratings systems usually do a good job of warning about sex scenes in movies, and the few movies that I do watch, I tend to watch by myself on my computer, so I can easily skip through them.

  9. We don’t typically live in multigenerational homes. It’s pretty rare for me to watch films with my family outside the holidays

  10. Sex scenes in most movies are more “sensual” than pornographic, at least by American standards. You rarely see full on fucking. More moaning, back shots, and the occasional thrust.

    And when you *do* see full on fucking, it’s just sex. My folks know I’ve been having it for the past 17 or so years, and I’m here so I know they’ve had it. So on the off chance that either I’m at their place or they’re at mine and we’re watching like Game of Thrones or whatnot, it’s not really a big deal.

  11. Nobody that I know likes them, for some reason they are just always there. I don’t know who would want to watch it in a normal movie.

  12. I was not a fan of the sex scenes in 1923. I understand it was to convey that the banker fellow had no morals, but holy hell, I did not need a 5 minute long scene of him coaching a nude prostitute on how to get sexual pleasure from beating another nude prostitute with a belt.

    There’s tasteful and plot propelling nudity, and then there’s blatant sex for the want of blatant sex

  13. I mean when I was a teenager watching a movie with my parents if there was a sex scene it was awkward. But *everything* was awkward then.

    I don’t usually watch stuff with a lot of nudity/sex in it but if I’m watching a movie with friends and there’s a sex scene it’s just… part of the movie. It’s not like a big deal.

  14. I can’t remember the last sex scene I’ve seen that meaningfully contributed to the movie. Most of them are just gratuitous.

    Amazing when you’re 13 though.

  15. It just depends on the movie. It can be cringey if it’s gratuitous and the movie doesn’t fit.

    It can be gratuitous and entirely appropriate. There’s a show, Shameless, where Sasha Alexander plays a character with an open marriage. She sleeps with her student. Gratuitous seems exactly the right thing because it’s who she is.

    But there are scenes with minimal nudity but sex that are artfully done.

  16. Depends…. if the scene is a central part of the story, then I watch it. If the scene doesn’t seem to provide any value to the movie, then I zone out or sometimes forward it. I don’t think I’m a prude, but most movies seem to add sex for no real plot line other than to add sex.

  17. Elementary: Truly had no idea what was going on. I saw the kissing and I thought they were simply hugging.

    Highschool: I’m a horny teen. I think that explains my reaction if I saw tits and a sex scene

    College/Adult: I’m whatever on it.

  18. So back in the day around the 2000s, my family had a habit of seeing whatever movie won best picture. In 1999, American Beauty won so my family went with my grandparents. It’s important to note that my grandpa could barely hear. So in one of the first scenes Kevin Spacey starts jerking off. My grandma screams “Oh my god” and my grandpa just starts yelling “what!? Whats wrong!?” in a theater full of people. That tradition didnt last much longer.

  19. When watching movies with my wife it’s obviously not an issue, and my daughter is too young for anything that would have a sex scene.

    In general, I dunno, you just… watch the movie? It’s no more awkward than an extremely violent scene

  20. Depends on who you’re watching with, if you know there is one, or if you’re watching alone. It can be awkward if you aren’t expecting one, and you happen to be watching with your Mom.

  21. My kids aren’t quite old enough to sit through movies that are so deep that they have a sex scene.

    When they do have the attention span, they can see whatever there is to see (it’s not as though it’s porn). I’m not hiding anything. I grew up in a home that was very liberal and sex-positive. I knew what an adult penis and an adult vagina looked like at a very young age. My parents encouraged a safe environment to ask questions about whatever us kids wanted to know. Consequently, my entire teenage-hood and adult life I’ve never had the weird hangups around sexuality that a lot of people seem to get.

    Many grow up in homes where sexuality is regarded as a shameful thing and I think that’s unfortunate and invariably leads to problems.

  22. We generally don’t attend adult movies with children. Children go to children’s movies, which do not have sex scenes (although they may have kissing and hugs). We also almost never go to the movies with our parents. Seeing a sex scene with a spouse, a group of friends of whatever genders, or a date does not present the same difficulties.

  23. If it’s hot, I wink at my wife and enjoy it. If it advances the plot, I pay attention. If it’s not hot and not plot, I just lay there and wait for it to finish.

  24. It’s super weird. I’m convinced sex scenes only exist in movies for shock value.

    Do Bollywood films not have any graphic depictions?

  25. It’s amusing when this question comes up, generally from people from the Middle East, India, or Asia. Europeans think we’re prudes who lose our minds at the first sight of a nipple and other parts of the world think we’re garish and show far too much sex.

    To answer the question, we simply don’t watch movies like that with our families. We have a rating system that helps us avoid that. Also, we don’t typically live in multi-generational homes, so we have much more privacy than you’re used to. For parents, they just watch those types of movies after the kids go to sleep or on “date night” or an equivalent (i.e. hire a babysitter and go out and do something together/alone without the kids). Most of our homes also have multiple TVs so we can watch one thing while kids watch another in a different room.

  26. Those movies have rating in it like R or NC-17. It shows that it will have nude or explicit sex scenes. Those movies are not meant for family watching. PG rating is targeting family audience. U see American movies often target different type of audience.

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