Long time 30 year relationship she’s leaving. Life sucks. Somebody tell me it gets better.

  1. Time to take your life back. Change is painful, might as well use this time to create good habits. Remember you are not the only or first person to go through this, but only you are capable of fixing your life as much as you are capable of making it worse.

    Take the road less traveled, and don’t become you own arch-nemesis.

  2. The truth is it’s going to take a couple of years…but you know how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time…you can and you will make it…if it’s really over go “no contact” except through email for essential communication only…go to therapy, embrace your grief—this is a crucial part of moving forward…start healthy routines for your physical, mental and emotional health—walk, hike, go to the gym, meditate, take a class in something that’s always interested you, socialize as much as you can, reach out to friends and family they will help you so don’t be afraid to ask for help, EVERYONE goes through tough shit in their life and we all need others for support, do some volunteer work—being of service will help get you out of your head and help you keep your issues in balance, you are not defined by that relationship so take this time to work on yourself…it will get better one day at a time and you will find love again…this is going to sound cliché but the love of your life needs to be yourself…once you understand that the rest will follow…Godspeed my friend…

  3. It gets better eventually man. don’t try to rush the recovery and fuck yourself up. Start going to the gym, eating better, stack your money. remember, she broke, we up.

  4. Depends on the relationship really.

    I just got out of one a week ago and its been fine so far ive barely thought about her, even though when we were together she was all I could think about.

    Once you can give yourself closure I think thats the key to moving on, My closure in this case was we had a quick “chat” where we clearly explained why we didnt like each other / aired our grievances in a part and then said goodbye.

    Yours might be looking back at all the bad things and trying to come to the realisation that it was probably doomed for a while, you only just got it now.

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