So back in september of last year, I (22f) went on 3 dates with this guy(22f) that I met off tinder. He’s been telling me he’s had a lot on his plate. Everything seemed to be going good but he ended up being busy. The time he took to reply to my messages took longer and longer. I called him out on it. So he kind of ended it by saying he enjoyed the time with me but he didn’t have enough time for me since he was busy with school and work. I really liked him so I sent him a last message asking if we can work something by studying together instead. He never responded to that message so I felt like I was ghosted.

Later I made a new tinder account and saw him on there still. I just figured that being busy for me was an excuse that he just didn’t like me. I don’t understand why couldn’t he just say he wasn’t attracted to me or not felt a spark with me?

Then out of nowhere he message me in January of this year asking about if I drove uber since it had something do with his friend. I just replied no and acted friendly since I didn’t want to be the petty person and he ended up asking how I was doing and I admitted that I had some stressful things going on back then and asked him back.

A couple weeks later I just asked if everything was okay with the friend and he replied yes and thanking me for checking up. We asked each other how we were doing again.

Lastly, yesterday he had messaged me asking how I was doing. I just told him everything’s good and that I had some responsibilities at home. I asked him back but he only said he was doing alright. He also asked if I would be down to hang out as friends sometime. I ended up just replying yes because I thought how bad could it be. I also wanted to know why he popped that question to be friends after all this when we meet up next week.

First off, when we last met, we kissed so I’m not sure if anybody would want to be friends with the person they kissed before. What’s also wacky is that recently I had saw that he made an account on hinge. I’ve been on there for a couple of months and never saw him until yesterday as well. Soo there is a big possibility that he saw my profile on hinge and thought of me. What’s even more wacky was that he put looking for something long term or open for short term on hinge.

I’m just not understanding this situation. I feel like’s 2 possibilities where this is heading. He might be trying to be fwb with me but that seems way off since he doesn’t seem like that kind of person plus he’s on dating apps still looking for serious things. Or he might be genuinely want to be friends with me. I’m feeling unconfident because I’m not good at being friends with ppl. I only have a handful of friends and don’t even have any guy friends. So I guess its worrying to me as to why he’ll ask me in particular to be friends.

This is bad but I kind of hope it’ll be a fwb because I do find him attractive still but after this whole situation, I don’t think I’ll want to date him for sure. I’m feel like I’m overthinking this.

  1. I assume he did it because it was the polite thing to do after he popped back up in your life, and you had a couple of pleasant exchanges.

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